Chapter 1: Surprise Me

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I opened the off-white envelope addressed to me revealing various, colorful forms. I sifted through them skimming the words, "Welcome, Isabella Bentley, to your final year at East Point High." I got bored after the first sentence and flipped to the next page, which was a list of school events and their dates. I grabbed a pin from the tin on my dresser and tacked it to my cork board. The next few papers were forms for my parents to sign and finally, my class schedule for my senior year.

I unfolded this hesitantly and peered through the gap between my fingers at the list.
A - Sculpture
B - Forensics Science
C - World Literature
D - Pre-Calc
E - Creative Writing
F - Advanced Psychology
G - PE/Wellness
H - Moving Image Prod.
Lunch: A day - 2nd. B day - 2nd.

FINALLY! For one year I've gotten all the courses I asked for. At our school, classes fill up quickly! I'm beyond happy with my schedule, well, except for one class. You know I've always hated math, but pre-calc will be the death of me. But I guess it's okay, my boyfriend is a math genius, well I think he is. That might be just because I suck, but I don't think so. Speaking of Brent, I wonder if I have any classes with him.... I'm gonna call him just to find out.
I reached into my pocket, pulled out my phone, and dialed his number.
"Hey baby B!" He answered.
"Hey loser, go get your schedule from the mail and read it to me!"
"Our schedules came?" He sounded confused.
"Um yeah our first day of school is in a few days."
"True hold up." I heard ruffling paper noises and then he was back on the phone.
"Damn so many papers which is it?"
"The orange one."
"Okay gotcha. Alright, A - Engineering."
"B - Forensics science."
"Yes! Lab partner!"
"C - Digital Photography"
"D - Pre-Calc"
"Hell yea."
"E - World Literature."
"F - Advanced Psychology."
"Yes. Yes. Yes."
"G - PE/Wellness"
"No! You have to see me sweat! Ugh"
"Ooooh my favorite!"
"Ya nasty. And what's H?"
"Ugh guitar."
"Babe you already know how to play the guitar, why are you taking it?"
"I don't know easy A I guess. Bring my GPA up."
"But you don't need it up any."
"Eh whatever. So how many do we have together?"
"Um 4! Forensics, Pre-Calc, Psych, and Gym."
"Oh and A days I have 1st lunch and B days I have second."
"We have a lunch together!"
"Yessss. Speaking of lunch babe, let's go get some. I'll be over in 10. You choose where."
"Okay. Imma go get ready." I said before hanging up the phone.

I love when he does cute little things like that. It makes me feel special. He's such a sweetheart. Ugh. So what to wear? What to wear? I would wear what I have on now but you can tell I slept in this. Summer nights has me not caring about anything. So I'll just go throw something on. I love how I'm at that point in my relationship where we can just be ourselves and not try to impress each other. It's very comforting to be honest.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone vibrating from a text. I pulled it out and saw it was from my older sister, Hannah. "Hey bitch, how can I get mom to let me have Zach over tonight?"

It might not seem like it but Hannah and I are good sisters. We are very close. Hannah and I were both born in the same year and are in the same grade. You see it was one of those things where my mom had her and right away she got pregnant with me. So her birthday is January 4th and mine is, October 22nd. I think since we are very close in age it has some affect on how well we get along. She's like the complete opposite of me, but similar at the same time. We both hate people, and school, and dancing. But we love bow ties, Drake and Josh, and blue raspberry anything. But we are different in the sense that she is the bad one and I'm the good one. She likes to party and get drunk and smoke, and I like to watch Netflix and eat Mac N Cheese. I'm terrible at school, but she gets straight A's. It's ironic but true.

I typed back, "Hoe, I don't know? Beg?"

The doorbell rang. It was Brent. I opened the door and he greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Ready B?" He asked. "Of course!" We walked hand in hand out to his car, he opened the door for me and I got inside. We drove off not even knowing where we were going.

I stared out the window watching the passing scenery before looking back up at Brent. He made eye contact with me and we both smiled. You know sometimes I wonder why he's with me. He's so perfect and I'm just bleh. He's like popular and outgoing and I'm just shy and awkward and weird. He's involved in literally everything and in a sense he reminds me of Troy Bolton from HSM only because he has the athletic gift and musical one as well. During summer and fall he plays on a travel baseball team, and during the off season he does the spring musical at our school. When he is not on stage or on the field he is in his garage practicing with his band. I'm always so jealous of him. Like how can he juggle like 50 things at once and still manage to captain his baseball team, lead student council, work part-time at this fancy restaurant across town, be a full time student, and get straight A's all while making time for me? He truly is the most amazing guy ever.

He reached down, took my hand and interlocked our fingers. "So where would you like to go?"
"Doesn't matter to me."
"Bell, where do you want to eat?"
"Um surprise me."
He glanced over with his little grinchy grin. And all I could think was what have I gotten myself into. Where are we going? Ugh with this boy it could be anywhere.

-Hope you guys enjoyed it. This is a new story I'm making. The cover is one of my best friends and her boyfriend but the story is not whatsoever based on them.
-I should hopefully be keeping up with this story weekly. And I will definitely be taking suggestions for the story.
-I will probably be leaving each chapter off with a cliff hanger and if you comment and tell me how you want the next chapter to go, like from the cliff hanger, and I like it, I will use that and dedicate that chapter to you.
-So that's about it, thanks for reading, you guys are awesome!
Love ya.

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