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There used to be a time when he was ashamed of who his mother is. People knew her as a cruel woman, unable to love and only lavished on her greed and insanity. But over the years, he came to realize how hurt she really is. He doesn't excuse her for being such a horrible parent. Abusing him, enslaving him, and verbally humiliating him couldn't be excused. Not when she did it for most of his so far life. However, he was opened to why she treated him the way she did. She went through the same. As a young child, she was locked away like some prisoner, only let out to clean, bathe and eat. And by a woman who wasn't even her real mother. She had lied about adopting his mother when it turned out she kidnapped her from the hospital. From all that mistreatment and abuse, his mother grew insane and quite malicious. He wasn't sure what happened to his mother's adoptive mother, but all he knew was that she was 'taken care of'. Eventually, when she did become free of that woman, his mother had tried to start a life of her own, going into fashion design and building her own successful empire that she ruled with an iron fist. She also developed a kind of love-hate relationship for dogs. She had a harsh notion to make fur lascivious coats from the canines' fur. Her first husband was even a furrier who she treated just as bad as she treated her own son years later. Her marriage to the furrier didn't last long since he often criticized her, frightened by her. The first chance he got, he hightailed out of there. She didn't marry again, but she did have a fling with a man who turned out to be a fashion icon himself. He never met him in person, but seeing the pictures and articles his mother did shown him, he had a feeling that man was his biological father. She must have hated him as well because from the moment he could talk and walk, he practically became his mother's rag doll. During all those years, his mother's real family had been tracking her down and it wasn't until he was 14 that his mother and her real family had met. After that, his life took a turn. He went from hating his mother to sympathizing with her when he learned of her past when she eventually came to light with everything. Together, they had therapy and their real family members helped them out. His mother had worked hard to improve her behavior and mind while also devoting to being a better mother.

He let her, deciding it was best to give her a chance and didn't regret it.

He can now say that he knows what a mother's love feels like.



Before his new life started to emerge, he had friends. Still does. Each of them had their own issues within their families, said issues being turned around for the better.

Evie Queen, a girl who often adorned ruby lips and blue hair, was the daughter of a now infamous beauty empress. But before her mother became that, she was very vain and cruel. She often criticized her daughter into being the most beautiful to attract any wealthy mate just as her own mother often did her. Evie was a victim of verbal abuse, but her mother had it worst. When she was Evie's age and younger, her mother would also abuse her, but more than just verbally. She was jealous that her daughter had became even more gorgeous than she could ever be and tried to kill her. Of course, her mother failed in doing so and locked away for her crimes. Evie's grandmother had died in that cell, alone and no one really knows if she died peacefully or in suffering. Either way, Evie's mother did love her though despised her for what she had done. After that, she grew cold and distant from anyone who tried to be in her life. Until one man came along. He had been the only person to not feared Evie's mother and eventually after so long of trying to bond with her, they fell in love. She wasn't the first wife though, only being second and stepmother to his daughter, Snow White. With his love and a child who began to look to her as a mother, she became warmer and more affectionate. It didn't last though. He had became ill and died by the time Snow White was 12. Heartbroken, she became hateful and cold again, mistreating Snow White as if she was her personal servant. What made matters worse was by the time, Snow White became 14, she noticed that she was radiating beauty and grace far fairer than her. Evie's mother snapped. She tried to have the young girl killed and was locked away for a good ten years. During in which, Snow White was taken in and raised by seven dwarf men who were the biggest of businesses to sell diamonds and other jewels. Snow White also found love of her own. And when Evie's mother was released, she had Evie. Not in the best of ways though. She practically drilled the ideals of being a 'perfect submissive woman' into Evie's head. When Evie being 14, Snow White came around again. She admitted to her stepmother how even though she was still frightened of her, she wanted to help her because she loved her. At first, the woman tried to block her out, but eventually, she allowed Snow White in. Now, she was better, a beauty guru with her own top-of-line makeup company.

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