
331 4 1

›ship; roadrat
›words; 829
›type; fluff, tiny angst?
›tw; nope!

.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.

Jamison wasn't the, smartest tool in the shed to say the least. He was only seventeen, but he was, quite the adventurous person you could say. He had done a lot, he was classified as an anarchist, a demolitionist, a mercenary, a scavenger, and a straight-up criminal. a lot for a seventeen-year-old, but he managed it. Could you blame him? The poor boy had gone through a lot.
he went to a camp, a boot camp. It was what he did to distract himself from his hell life during the summer, but he didn't know that he'd have the ability to destruct so many things. Materials to create explosions upon explosions. God, the pyro couldn't be trusted with this, but the counselors didn't care.
As a result of said summer at the boot camp, there was an incident. A very life-changing incident.
Jamie's head pounded from the lights nearly blinding him. It wasn't like he had just woken up, the lights were just hurting him, but at least he had his friends, Sombra, and Gabe, to distract him. But, there was one specific friend who was missing. The one who held his heart. Mako, that's who he was talking about. Mako was keeping him intact, Mako saved him countless times. Mako was his light at the end of the tunnel, he kept him from his stupid acts, he kept him from stealing and he kept him from smoking or anything that could damage him further.
Mako himself didn't have the best backstory either, he had previously been in a bad place just as Jamie had been, but he kept himself composed. He kept himself composed for Jamie.
That, right now, was beside the point. Jamie stopped speaking when he heard loud stomping down the hallway, making him quirk an eyebrow curiously as he looked to the door to see Mako there, nothing but horror filling the other's eyes. "Hey, Mako..!" Jamie greeted as happily as he could, a tired and pained smile on his lips, before continuing his words, "I missed ya... it feels like I've been gone forever!" Truthfully, they hadn't seen each other since the beginning of summer, June, and now it was September. Three months without his best friend, and boyfriend. Jamie was interrupted from his thoughts when he heard his friend, Gabe, say, "tell Mako what happened, Jamison!" He huffed, being interrupted by the first words Mako had said the whole time he'd been in the room, "what.. happened...", it was heartbreaking to listen to him speak, all that was in his voice was fear and quivering. Jamie let a small frown linger on his lips before he hesitated but definitely began to explain, "I accidentally blew off my arm at boot camp... I-I know I promised I wouldn't keep messing with explosions or getting myself in so much danger... but it was an urge... I guess? I'm sorry, Mako... I hope you're not mad or anything..", Jamie kept babbling on about how bad he felt, before Mako set the bouquet of flowers down on the table beside Jamison, resting his hand on Jamison's shoulder to get him to quit speaking, which it did. Jamie looked up at him with a curious look, a small "mate?" coming from his own shaky voice. Mako didn't answer, but instead wrapped his arms securely around Jamie and held him close, face buried in his neck. Jamie's heart broke as he gently wrapped his arms around him in return, "Y-you doing alright, mate?" He asked softly. Mako just took a few moments before he actually spoke, voice broken and shaking, "I-I love you, Jamison, but you're an idiot.." he breathed, which only made Jamie's grip on Mako's shirt a little tighter as he held onto him, "I-I know, I'm sorry Mako..." he whispered.

Mako took a few seconds before he pulled away, looking down at where his friend's arm once was, now replaced by nothing but a nub that was only but his bicep. Mako frowned as he lightly traced over the healing wound, causing Jamie to flinch slightly at the sudden touch, making Mako frown as he mumbled out a gentle apology. "I'm glad you're out of that stupid boot camp, no more hurting yourself, and I can finally be with you again," Mako admitted quietly, making Jamie give a small giggle before he gently cupped mako's cheek with his hand, "I'm glad I'm with you too, Mako..." he whispered quietly, leaning forward to press their lips in a gentle kiss. The two had been dating.. for a few months, but since Jamie had been gone, they never had their chance for their first kiss... And this was it. Their first kiss was in a hospital because Jamie was being dumb. But they did finally have it.. and mako was more than happy to return that gentle kiss.

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