This rose was said to be the gift of all things if you found one you would be the luckiest person...ever! It's beautiful; it's wrinkled purple leaves spread out, with a touch of dew on its leave. It's a deep dark purple better then anything you can imagine and better then anything that's possible to imagine. One person can find the purple rose though...and that person is definitely me. It will be hard it's in the center of a deserted forest, people have tried to find it but nobody has ever had success. I need to find it because I have an awful life filled with misery. Disappearing family members lost pets, but if I find that rose the end of that will happen I could do it. I took a step into the woods and I heard the crunch beneath my feet the air surrounding me was cool and damp the leaves beneath me were old and dry. Putting one foot forward taking a deep breath then exhaling looking behind me at the opening which was now about a foot behind me hoping it wasn't my last chance. I'm going for it I'm going to find the purple rose it's my only hope.
The sky was blue the sun was shining but it still felt dark. I felt the eyes around me...I felt someone watching me. My hair hit my face as I spun behind me to see a shadow of a figure behind a tree. I took one step forward and waited for what felt like an eternity and then he stepped out from the tree, there was a boy someone else obviously searching for the purple rose. Interrupting my thoughts I felt rocks jabbing at my back and fell to the ground the world was turning above me the trees were spinning out of control and I closed my eyes and I couldn't open them. The last image I saw was the boy.
The boy was gone and he was problem really far ahead and then problem hit me with the rocks too. I raced into the woods my head still spinning. I looked up at the sky and a cold breeze went through the woods I shivered as I tried to zip up my jacket.
I ran through the forest now dogging obstacles that were in my way and still couldn't see anyone and then I saw it a life or death chose 2 paths. I looked at one, one looked full of rocks and the other looked clear so I took the path that looked clear I examined the path and took a couple steps when I let out a scream.