You know I don't like sand it gets everywhere it's rough and course but we aren't talking about sand today we are talking about crackers. you know there's a lot of crackers regular crackers, those weird crackers under your bed, That basic white girl cracker, saltine crackers, buttery crackers, crackers that you eat with you're cereal, and last but not least crackers that give you true despair
but today we're talking about a very evil cracker he was extremely buttery and salty and his name was joe cracker now joe cracker wasn't any ol cracker he was mean he was the type of cracker that would lift people from the ground,
throw crackers at them he could use the power of the crackers he could use this because he ate a mystical taco a crunchy supreme taco. Taco Bell only sold one of these and it made joe cracker very very power he had the power to not die and whenever people would say who's joe he could now be able to say joe mama he was unstoppable he destroyed entire armies with his joe mama powers til one day the joke died so he had to get big chungus to die because he was the current world leader but instead he thought even better so he killed thanos because he was smart enough to aim for the head then snapped big chungus and his armies away. But then joe cracker was a very very evil man so he uh had many children so one day all his children went back to him to kill him and they all killed him with the powers of crunchy burrito wraps from Taco Bell but right as he was about to die he snapped away a distinct planet and left a fake dead body of himself