After the defeat of joe big chungus and thanos rose to power again and slayed joes children. Little did they know while they were slaying joes children and eating soft taco supremes from Taco Bell joe had been training his powers in his new body the body of baby yoda the new master of the cracker powers they had come to an understanding that baby yoda would let joe use his body as long as he was good so joe finally redeemed himself and became good and sought to destroy big chungus and thanos but he thought he needed a little help first so he went to Neptune and got the mermaid from the Starbucks cups to help him train his new powers and after he learned the new ways of the cracker the mermaid from Starbucks gave him the power to shoot coffee from his hands. Armed with this joe finally understood the true meaning of the universe which was that you're supposed to dip your crackers in coffee. Once he knew this he flew to big chungus and thanos Aimed for thanos's head once more and ended big chungus's entire career by saying joe mama when he asked who's this. So he saved the galaxy at last! Or so he thought little did baby yoda and joe know that a new villain Johnny Johnny and caillu was emerging