1) Jake & Lauren

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'Lauren's POV'

I had just finished work, I put my key in my front door and turned it slightly. I pushed the door and threw my bag down on the side.

Today, Jake & I had been together for 2 years, accept I hadn't heard from all day. It upsets me thinking he's forgotten something as important to this.

I dragged myself up the stairs to my bedroom. Tonight I was just going to get in my favourite onesie and just watch all the Disney films.

I pushed my bedroom door open to find a beautiful outfit on my bed with a note.

'My beautiful Lauren, I will pick you up at 7.15. I hope you like your outfit, I love you lots & lots, Jake xxxxxxx'

A single tear slid down my face and I wiped it away with the back of my hand. I began to run my hand over the gorgeous electric blue material.

I quickly made sure he got the size right. I flicked the label and found the size. I smiled from ear to ear, he'd got it right.

I think picked up the bunch of white flowers and gave them a quick smell. I inhaled the sweet scent, He'd picked my favourite flowers. I placed them alongside the pale pink ones I had on my desk. I was still shocked that Jake had remembered. He was the best boyfriend in the world.

I glanced over at the clock to see 6.17pm, I had 58 minutes. I gulped. How could I get ready in under an hour? I ran to the shower and had the quickest shower possible, I made sure I used his favourite scent as my shower gel. I know he loved standing behind me and snaking his arms around my waist and kissing my shoulder.

I pulled the dress on and admired my reflection in the mirror. I smiled and placed the gold half moon necklace around my neck. I had no idea how to have my hair, but then I thought I would have it how Jake loves it most.

I began to braid my hair in a waterfall style and slightly curling all the loose strands. It felt weird as Jake normally braided my hair. He was so good at it and he didn't really like me telling anyone.

I applied my usual, subtle make up and grabbed my new beautiful shoes. I began buckling the ankle straps up before looking in the mirror for one last time. I felt incredible.

I grabbed my keys, phone and essentials and chucked them into my black clutch bag.

I heard a loud honk outside and took a deep breath before opening the door.

Jake got out of the car quickly and ran over to the passenger side before opening the door and assisting me into car.

"Thank you handsome" I beamed.

"More than happy my gorgeous girl" he winked back.

"So what are we doing?" I questioned as I clicked the seatbelt across my body.

"It's a surprise Lauren" he smiled back as he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

I looked out the window and struggled to come up with where we were. Maybe somewhere new I thought to myself.

"Here, put this on" Jake smiled as he handed me a blindfold, I cocked an eyebrow at him. "Don't worry, it's nothing kinky" he chuckled. I did as I was instructed.

I felt his hand helping me out of the car and helping me inside the building.

"Mind, there's a flight of stairs" he quickly said.

"There's probably like 10 you over exaggerate" I chuckled.

"Fine, I'll carry you" I added.

"Don't drop me" I laughed as he carried me bridal style. I grabbed my skirt and ensured it didn't ride up.

After what felt like an eternity he placed me down.

He began to count down. and I removed my blindfold.

My hand shot to my mouth. The words "Will You Marry Me?" Illuminated infront of me.

"Lauren, I love you, will you marry me?"he asked.

I nodded, I couldn't get the words out. I knew he was a man of very few words.

"Lauren Sims has a nice ring to it doesn't it?" I cried.

"Only the best for my princess" he smiled as he slid the finger on my finger.

A/N - first one, others will be up tomorrow. Hope you like it xox

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