News travels fast

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It was late at night and (Y/n) was cuddling with her fiance on her plush bed in her hotel room while she was mindlessly flipping through TV channels .

"Ugh even in the underworld there is still nothing to watch"
(Y/n) groaned as she continued to flip thought the hundreds of channels .

"Next in Celebrity news the Radio      Demon is engaged" Katie Killjoy said

"that's right Katie one of the underworlds most powerful demons as well as most eligible bachelor is off the market" Tom Trench said

"Not much is known about his fiancee-" Katie Killjoy said

before (Y/n) turned off the TV in frustration meanwhile Alastor was trying not to flip out but,
(Y/n) could hear static.

"Alastor deep breaths baby deep breaths " (Y/n) said in a soothing tone as she gently rubbed Alastor's arm in a comforting way.

Alastor jumped out of the bed and began to pace the floor trying to calm down.

"When I get my hands on who ever told the news about our engagement I'll *growl" Alastor said while he paced.

"What's done is done love and there is nothing that we can do about it" (Y/n) stated as she got up from bed to wrap her arms around her beloveds waist .

"Maybe your right my dear , I'm going for a walk to clear my head  , I'll be back before you wake my beloved " Alastor said as he kissed (Y/n) gently on the lips .

"Okay Alastor be careful I love you" (Y/n) said as she got back into bed

"And I love you my dearest" Alastor said before he kissed
(Y/n) on  hand before he left the room.

A few hours later ......

Alastor was very satisfied with himself not only did he scare those two pesky news anchors spitless

but, he also found out who told them about his engagement.

Alastor quietly changed back into his pajamas and slipped back into bed he then put an arm around his sleeping love.

And then he dozed off as well with a wicked smile on his face excited for what was going to happen the next day".

The Bride of the Radio Demon (Alastor X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now