Delivery day

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(Y/n) was on the third month of her pregnancy and was full term .

Having sensed that her daughters due date was close Belladonna made her way to the Hazbin Hotel .

And just In the knick of time because (Y/n's) water had just broken and she was already dilated to deliver .

"Alright EVERYONE OUT" Belladonna yelled to everyone who was in the room which made them quickly vacate the room well everyone except for Alastor .

"I'm not leaving my wife's side no matter what Belladonna" Alastor stated in a firm tone.

"If you insist son" Belladonna said before she muttered an incantation which numbed
(Y/n's) pain.

After the births ......

Both babies were born happy and healthy .

And (Y/n) was tried but, happy

Little Alexander had his mom's hair , eyes, horns, and tail but, had his dad's skin tone

And little Sarahphina had her dad's hair , eyes , and horns but, she had her mom's skin tone .

"Awww their sooooo cute" Charlie hushed .

"Thanks Charlie , uh Al and I were thinking would you and Vaggie like to be the twins godparents" (Y/n) asked

"Yes yes yes" Charlie replied as she bounced up and down

"Sure why not" Vaggie replied with a shrug .

(Y/n) just smiled

"Thank you my dearest" Alastor said before he kissed his wife on the lips.

"For what Al" (Y/n) asked with a blush.

"For a family my love" Alastor said as he held Sarahphina

While (Y/n) held Alexander .

Charlie then took a picture of the new family.

While Vaggie wondered what the future had instore for them .

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