KoRNM versus Jim party

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3 PM

Fieldy back from syria)

"Everybody!!!! everyone look at me right now!" (johnathan house) fieldy sayed to them standing on a table that was dangerosly close to breaking. "Serously fieldy... what is the issue at this momen" Head say iritated becuase his parakeet wasnt talking to him as usual (after he trained all day) fieldy did cry a bit but he did get over it as syria shaped him to befome a such a new man he would overcome a single damn thing he did it too "Ok hear me out butface i just got you guys a deal of a life time" fieldy say flailing his arm to get a point across to them as a busines offering. "Yeeees?" Munk woudl say to him fiarly interested and he smile a little bit as he saw the change feidly went through it did interest him as most sceince experiments did. Jonathan twitch a little bit in his sleep he was just anout to awake up but he usually( asleep at this time i did look it up by the way..) so Head flick him in the eyebrow on his face and he did make a scrunch up face and angery at him get up very cranky ESPECIALly becuase fieldy was on the table it was a table his granma built herself "well what is thsi that is so improtant fuely friend?" jon say crosses his arm a bit and sly smirk escapes his mouth fieldy did get emotionally overwhelm beig called a friend he was so happy his dear friend john he did agree with him he did appeciates him. "so people! i got us a offer to do a song with jim carrie :)" fieldy say, holding his hand in his hand and be clasped then together and he sway back an forth. "Wellllll how did you do thsi we are not popular.." Head says condesending to fiely and raise a eyebrow funly. Munky burp loudly and everyone laugh and forget anout it.

(in studio)

"Guys i am sooo ancious for jim i am sooo scared.." Jon says to the koRn boys and laugh out of psycosis but also he was infact twirling his freshly wash hair (he wanted to makes a good impression on the guy dont get youre hopes up) no one in the studio did hear him becuase they were played uno for a little while yes jonathan felt left iut but he did want them to worry for him so he stay out of the game he so bad wanted to play. Even Jdevil was sit in the corner and play uno with tgem i mean it is a outrage!

jonathan was get so scared but then jim walk in the studio big man posture with his dazzling smile he did maintane eye contac with the whole krew he did this at once it was a talent but honestly Munky was not so much impresed. "Jim! we are so happy to haves you hear take a seat buddy !" the Fieldyb would say to jims. Jom didnt reply though he did not break a single one of his eye contact he oozed a evil entity and vibe Jdevil and jonathan they did feel the presence of a real devil in the room beside the ovious Jdevil in the room duh. Jon start to lean to Munky and munk did blush "Yes jonathanb you want

?" Munky say and jon sayed back in a whisper "Welll I getting a evil vibe from the Jim guy you know ?"

munky did laugh at such a thing. "Oh Jon it is nothing to worry! I do think that you maybe are going in sane:)" munky say, advice givingly thoughtlful and smiles a smile so soft like almosta baby? jonathan scoffed as tear forms in his eyes and he did look down to sigh. "i will listen but you not going to lie to me ok?" Jon say. "Yes i know this you are my second.. mabye best friend ok?" Munky say back he said. "Ahhhh ok you are right" Jon laugh the tears away and play it off as hilarity of a jokest. "Yeah your just being stupid Jon honestly" Munk would had says to Jonathan, before resuming the his game. Jim did take a seat next to Jon, he smirked, fangs and horns were pointed to a crisp edge and his eyes they did glow in g read. "What ? even do you want hinestlyl" jonathn would say to Jim the man that was famous for queit some time. He only smirk and sY "f " while flicking his lizard tongue to jon as a taunt. "Whatever I dont care that your being mean to me and think that i am gay. I just want you to know i know your a demon so I hate you becuse im good Jonathan always have been.. But this factaul statements bieng said i do respect that you take the role from david as a drummer i di think that was for the better if i am being honest him an i fighted (a lot$) and i just do like it that you have courage but I know you only got youre courage from being a demon of hell and satin. ".. Jin smirked and didn't say nothing and pplayed uno. WHat

After they was done playing (Fieldy one) JimCary got mad and slaped Fiedly. Got angry (Korn did) and says "Well i do not know why you gangs up on us all of this time you did offer to come to our studio and all of this junk.." fueldy saywith a sour look in his fCe and mouth cause he could taste some of Jums hand and he was pretty much disgust at the least of emotion... "Hey, black jon, " Head say with a big full of poop grin. Shut up! said Jim Carry. "...NO!!!!!" MUNKY SAID. "HOW COULD YOU INTERUPT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!" Munky punched Him Harry in the face and a tooth flied out. It was real sharp. It flew so hard it hit J Devil! (Who they thought was Jonathan (Black Jonathan)). Kim Karry put his face back in place slowley and said "What did you do...." and DROPKICK MUNKMTY IN THE CHEAST!. Ahhhhhh godsh this is not good... Munky sayed wile he slowly would try to get up and all of that and stuff. Jdevil bit Jismm leg so hard it fell off and he did plY with it like a chew toy before punching him in the chest and peeing on his face. "GRRRRRRRAAAAHHHH WHY DID YOU DO THAT JONATHAN BOY I AM SO MAD WITH YOU HE WAS OUR TICKET TO BECOMED MORE FAMOUSEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" Fieldy says even though he hate Jum at this moment he just was like Fuck it and was like i want yhe money if i have to go through this never ending torture good god this feels like hell (its not hell yet). "Wai t... No guys hahahahhahh..." Jdevil would wipes the blood off his mouth and throw the leg at jims dumbface effectively murdering him. "guys um.... Jonathan come over here a second?" he Says to the real unevil Jon that was so kind and sweet as he come over very happy. Jdevil did then slap blood on to the Jonathan real ones face (while the boys did not look becuase jom cary jjst died :/) and Jdevil blood cuedling screech. "I am the real good jonathan!!! What is happening I would not do this?!" Jdevul explain very fake worriedly and but he was smirking and winking and growling at real jon (VERY change of carachter..) Jonathan did get so mad and start to stangle Fake Jdevil Jonathan Fake Good jonathan the jdevil guy , Everyone did get so scared and pulled Goodjon offf the Evuljon as Jdevil fake choked to death and pull out a gun. "Please kill- I want him die do it i will kill him i will do it hes evil!" Goodjon said as screams at Jdevil and Jdevil only does play inocence.. "Ah oh I am going to shoot Evil jon Nd replace him eeee HAAHHAHHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!" Jdevil says and screams like the demon of devil hell . Imagine next whole part in slow motchin. Jonathan pinned on floorf by Jdevil and Munkey runneing over, Head playing the peano. (Imagination by Jonathan Lenin) Fieldy looking around for money in despair of no look he just he had to take Jim Carney wallet but he did trip and break he's ankle. He scream for they notice but slow motchin still. Jdevil get flip onto floor buy Jonathin and now he at the advantage and BOOM!! Jonathan fall to floor, blood fall from mouth and he fall off jonathan devil. Munky scream loud and Head going wild on peano. Remember he high school days. Got emotchinal and cried. Fieldy screamin in pain on da floor and Jim Cary bloody face did a finel smirk. Munky grab Jomathaman bodey and cry on it and hug it and bawl tears of sadness onto it. "I do not care if you evil Jonathan I know I know you" and he life fade away to imagination (See what I did there)

Slime party (KORN Munky x Head Jon x Jdevil) 1994Where stories live. Discover now