Electric Jonathan

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Jognathan said to Jdevil "What what do you want stop harassing me get out now please" like he said to hjis biggest fans so often . Y"ou got a problem?" Jdevil sayed while still smirking and put his hand on Jonathans shoulder rubbimg it. "Mabey not so what who even cares..." "I care !" Jdevil snaped back. "Wha-what........." Jonathan stutered because he has a lisp but also he was embarased of Jdevils touch on his bodey. "Im just Johnathan why do you 
care." Hehehe, Jdevil laughed at nothing realy. "I want to show you your eror of your ways." "Did you know dragons (evil ones) are attracted to the smell of slime." Jofathan could not believe what he was heard just now "But dragons died hunderds of years ago!!! !" "Nope" Jdebvil smirked and realized he still had his hand on Jonathans shoulder and was rubbing it still

Out of nowhere and no one knew or could predict it Jonathan went to his bed with Jdevil and they went sleepy-bye at a normal time. Meanwile Munky and Head were togheteehr in the guest bedroom. "Hey Munky" "Hey Head" Munky and Head said "Wanna make a anti-dragon potion" Munky said "No Dragosn are all dead stupid idiot "Head said...... "Oh ok" Munky said, pain and aguinsh agonzizing his bodey. "Ever thought about the star in the sky at day time?" "No" Head replied, care free and funly "Yeah me either" Munky replied but he was lying because he loved science and the star in tjhe sky "      " Munky got out of bed , ripping hair and some skin from Heads hip because the glue there . "Ouch ow ow ouch ooh ow!!" Head said.9THEN he saw jonathan comne into the rooms and he got a 30 minute sleep like always of coarse. "What?" Jon says calmy and peaceful as boodah would like him to and taughts him to do. "Well i   AM naked..... Uhm...."Munky and head they.   GOD

"Alright JESUS FREAKING FREAK" Head scoffed at jons comment and said. "no... Satin is. ;))"(Head was probably a satinist at the times of this i try to make these as accurate as i can EEP! x3 oke i write more now aaa!) He says to him with a smirk while his butt peeked out the silky blankets and then jonathan was said "WOW...." In his head but accidentely out loud., You could see the ripped out hairs on heads butt and it was sexually apealing to jonathan and his mind and whoremones and his jdevil in his mind. BUT WAIT, he thinks to himself, "JDEVIL i got to get back to him' Munky fall off the bned becouse he was so filled with pure jealiusyu he never could anticipate it but here he was wanting to punch the singer of his band square in the non existent adams apple (because) and then Head rolled off the bed to on top of Munky says "Oops,,," Head says to Munky gently kissing him "it is    Okay baby face.... Angel... Absolutely" And other gay stuff and stuff happened ok dont bother me about it

"Jdevillll, were are you? Come on !" Jonathan sing softly as he reenters his room (that smeels SOO too much like  jdevil monster energy drink and slime. "Ok, hold on   a second this dose not make sence im scared now... Jdevil.... Be by my side again please baby woman,," He hears immediate laughing and snickering and chuckling and smirking and mockery. It did make jonathan so sad, so absolutely tuckered out he just sighed he could not even cry his life had become an entire fucking mess he didnt know why he let himself make slime to attract dragons to eat his ghost/demon lover (jdevil) or why in the world he let his buddies his bandmates have gay s*x at the fault of his own hands and fault gosh he did feel such a guilty conscience waying him down there was only one thing left to d  o,.  

But he would have to wait on that becuse a HUGE shattering sound barrier breaking roar ring in his ears and shake his whole house the ghosts got SO mad omg dont get jon started he got a pan thrown at his head,.... Then a dragon come  out from the roof and Jonathan looked into its throat (Out of curiosity...) And it roared at him. This made him uncontrollably shake in anger and absolute fuming hatred, he was usually cold but you could  feel the steam coming from his ears and the flames shooting out his eyes so  thats how  youknwo that he is so mad so absolutely filled with anger so much so that it shook his feet off the ground to the point of levitation 

. He did all of this because he saw Jdevil mouthing for help peeking out of the stupid idiotic dragons big idiot throat .  "Well.... You makes a mistake taking thi s  house. My grandma made nthis house,  People lives in this house not just me and you tormetn them just because of me? you may not Ever  take jdevil again or hurt him you got this straigjht? Are you listenign to me??!!!" The last sentence jon said with a huge scream/roar and electricity started lifting him up even more as his eyes went red and he could barely see but (he felt badass so he continued 2nd of all he wanted to save Jdevil soo...) and he becomed.... ELECTRIC JONATHAN. He took the dragon by the throat (A blue one with long neck and ugly too) And he threw it to his floor, creating a dent in the tile till there was only dirt wshowing maybe even lava. He then brought it up, efficientley bringing the dumb dragon to the surface, where he would

levitate even further up into the sky above the roof, his kilt blowing in the wind as the electricity helped him keep afloat. "WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" dragon says to jonathan, squirming to get out of his grasp. "No..... Not now" Electric Jon said and squeezed hios neck so hard that jdevil popped out of his dumb dragon mouth and jdevil gently floated to the ground the bed in jonathans room (that was now trashed thanks a lot) And like a feather. Jdevil blushed in shock realizing hes gay and wants to dirty jonathan. Electric jon winked at him before brutally choke slamming the dragon and drop kicking him. It was so powerful that the dragon poofed out of existence and Electric Jon turned back to normal Jonatha . and went back down.

"Jon.... That was so brave..." Jdevil said clutching Jons hand in his.  "G-Good god..." Jon said but caught himself, He looked back to Jdevil, their cheeks heated, blood rushing to there face as they got closer. "I meant Good Devil....." And Jdevil fell in love so hard . They gay kissed (With tounge not judging honestly). "Wait. We should check up on Munk and Brian Head Welch" Jonmathan offered to Jdevil, his hand lightly interlocked with Devil's. Jdevil got a little flustered and jealous like "Why do you even care if there dead..." And Jonathan blushed. "Your so cute when you get mad :#)" Jon says to Jdevil and Jdevil not mad at him anymore cries with pure overflowing love and joy.

Jonathanm went to the guest bedroom (The door flew off) He said "Are you guys ok?" Jon would say with a serious tone of voice and they both nodded as if nothing had even happened "um yes we are ok Dummy." Munky said being a sassy. "WAIt you missed all that? The roof is gone?" They both looked up and surpise surpise. The roof was indeed missing from Jonathans beloved house. "   Wow ok huh I didnt notice that did you MunkyBabyMunkCutie?" Munky shook his head. He actualy did notice because he was star gazing at the sun while Head sucked his nipple (did i go too far with that? Be honest,, X/) Jon laughed to himself.

"Marriage :)" He said to himself out loud.

"WHAT" Munky and Head say in unison


Slime party (KORN Munky x Head Jon x Jdevil) 1994Where stories live. Discover now