Chapter 3: Mechanic Garage

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The day I've been dreading, has come. I'm so nervous. What if they hate me, or do something to me?

"They're going to kill me there." I Sighed. "they love to torture fresh meat."

"You watch too many movies. And no one will mess with you. And if they do, they will know what is like to mess with a Black." Dad told me while his eyes were focused on his phone.

"I hope you're right."

"It will be, I'm doing this for your own good. Not because I hate you. I know what is like to work hard to get your dreams come true. I was from a lower class once. It's time for you to learn a valuable lesson, little princess." He gave me a side hug.

"I love you dad." I smiled while returning the hug.

"Are we ready?" Mom asked while entering the living room.

"As I'll ever be." I answered her.

"Good, now time for your first day of a new chapter." She smiled while giving me a hug. I just chuckled. I love these crazy people.


We arrived and were met by a man who appears to be my dad's age.

"I'm Carlos. Nice to finally meet you, Chantelle."

"Likewise." I replied as we shook hands.

"Thanks for this favor." Dad told him.

"You're welcome. You're lucky the owner of this place is away for a year and left me in charge."

"So, does this mean I have to use those jumpsuits?" I asked.

"Yes, in here you will get dirty. And not the fun way." He told me as dad chuckled. I sighed. "Ricky, come here."

In front of me stood a very hot guy, he was tall, tan. Gorgeous hazel eyes. That body, his muscles were showing underneath that horrible jumpsuit. He had a beard; I love a handsome man with a beard. His lips were so plump. Is it bad that I want to feel those lips on mine? He is the definition of sex on legs.

"Ricky, this is Chantelle Black. You will be in charge of her."

"Papá, esta chica es una princesa, no va durar un dia aqui." -Dad, this girl is a princess, she won't last a day here-

Well hot damn, no idea what he said, but that accent is so sexy.

"This is my son Ricardo, Ricky for short." I waved at him but he didn't waved back.

"What did you say in Spanish?" I asked Ricky.

"None of your business, now follow me." He said before turning around and left.

"Mr. Carlos, your son is a major tool." With that said I followed Ricky, they just laughed.

"I have a feeling with those two." Dad told Carlos.

"So do I." He replied.

"Listen Princesa, in this place, you won't have people doing your job, you will not bribe them with money. You will work as hard as we all do here."

"I don't have money to bribe anyone. Dad cut me off and sent me to this place. So chillax, Ricky." Patted him on his cheek.

"Don't do that again."

"Make no promises." I pinched his left cheek and then went to change in that horrible jumpsuit.


How can someone so little, be so annoying? But I will admit, that she is gorgeous. Those beautiful blue eyes, those plump pink lips. She's is the definition of extremely sexy. She had curves in the right places.

But let's be honest, underneath that beauty, lies a spoil princess who gets everything she wants with the snap of her fingers. Those type of people annoy me so much; I can't stand them. Chantelle will learn here what is like to work for money. This princess needs a reality check.

"I look horrible." She huffed.

"Aww, is the little rich girl having trouble?" Trisha asked her. She's a bitch to everyone, except for the people she likes.

"I am, now that I've seen your hideous face." Chantelle smirked.

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?" Trisha said while moving closer to Chantelle.


"Okay you two, cut it out. Trisha fuck off." He told her and she stormed away. "And you." He looked at me, "Don't start shit here, I don't have time for stupid drama."

"She started it." I rolled my eyes. "And you need to lighten up, you're too uptight."

"You just bring that out of me. Now let's get to work." He walked to a car and I followed suit.

And work we did, changing tires and the best part was when I had to change the oil car. I ended up getting it all on my jumpsuit. I officially hate this.

"I see you missed the hole?" A guy said as he chuckled. "It happened to me too, so don't feel bad."

"I hate this place. No offense." I huffed.

"Don't we all, but bills aren't going to pay themselves." He told me, "I'm Chad."

"Chantelle." I shook his hand. "You're the only decent person here. Everyone else is rude."

"They might be intimidated by your beauty." He told me as I chuckled.  "You're an uptown girl, high class. They feel you don't belong here."

"I don't. Not cause of the class thing, I don't care about that shit. But I know nothing about cars. I swear my dad hates me." I sighed as he chuckled.

"Give it time." He smiled before going back to work.

"Princesa, get to work." Ricky yelled. I flipped him off and he rolled his eyes.

I have no idea how long dad is planning on keeping me in this place, but this is officially hell and Ricardo is the devil.

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