Two new islanders

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Abigail POV

"Fucks sake," I groaned and put my head in my hands "this is awful."

"I know," Joe nodded and kissed the side of my head before gently shifting me closer to face him "but we need to make a choice."

"It's an easy decision for me" I shrugged "I can't lose Lucie, she's my best mate and I love her to pieces. There's no way I'm sending her home"

"I agree" He nodded "Amy and Curtis had their chance but they threw it away, Lucie still deserves a chance. And if I send her home then I look like a dick for it,"

"Okay, then we've decided" We turned back to the group and waited until everyone was silent. We were the first to decide "So, we want to save this couple because they both deserve a chance at finding love, they're very close to us and we can't imagine our time in the villa without them. I've already lost one best friend so I won't lose another one tonight, so the couple we want to save is... Lucie and George"

"Amy and Curtis"

"Amy and Curtis"

"Lucie and George"

"Amy and Curtis"

"Amy and Curtis"

I jumped out of my seat with tears already streaming down my face, I ran to Lucie and pulled her into a hug, I sobbed on her shoulder while she silently cried 

Maura joined us and the 3 of us clutched onto each other for dear life, we went inside and once she had packed, we met them at the front door

"I love you so much" I sobbed

"We'll see you soon" Maura sniffed

"I love you girls" She sniffed and we shared a final hug before she and George left the Villa

Abi: Tonight was the worst night of my life, first Danny, now Lucie

"Come here" Maura pulled me into a hug and I cried into her shoulder, we slowly walked back outside with everyone else. When I arrived in the kitchen, Anton opened his arms and I ran into them

He gently rubbed my back and whispered comforting words in my ear

"Will you be okay?" He whispered after a while

"I don't know" I sniffed and Joe gently placed a hand on my back, Anton pushed me into Joe's arms and he silently led me inside

"I've got you" He whispered and sat me in his lap on the roof terrace "You'll be okay love"

"Thank you" I sniffed "Well this sucks"

"I know" He nodded

"No, I was going to tell you something tonight" I wiped my tears "Fuck this is hard"

"Just say it" He smiled warmly

I took a deep breath "I have feelings for you Joe, I really do,"

He grinned "I have feelings for you too, Abi" He kissed me lovingly, we broke apart and went inside. I got dressed for bed and headed downstairs with the girls

I jumped into bed and snuggled up to Joe. We kissed twice before cuddling and going to sleep

The next morning I was hurt when I looked around and didn't see Lucie

Abi: I just don't want to be here without her, like her, Maura, and I are all best mates and I hate not having her around

I changed by myself and then went outside to swim a couple of laps

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