Bump(s) in the Night

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Warnings: Mpreg (if y'all no like-y it then don't read this chapterXD), Stevie being a huge sap, some language, adorable fluff, light smut, self-consciousness, Tony dubious about the baby, hormones-- you get the idea 😁

Summary: Tony is 7 months preggo. Steve is trying his hardest to help Tony feel comfortable with his changing body since its gotten hard to move around in general, and sleep at night.

Words: 3050

Additional info: 3rd person POV


It was nighttime.

Outside, the air is cool with a light breeze flowing about durning the autumn night. The stars shine brightly and litter the midnight sky beautifully, too. And thankfully, not a sound could he heard from within the Avengers facility because everyone is sleeping--well, not everyone.

A certain billionaire stood out on the balcony attached to he and his husband's bedroom. Leaning against the railing with one hip, he looks out and up at the night sky. He wasn't supposed to be up at this hour but it isn't uncommon to even find him staying up for numerous hours working away, engrossed in whatever fancies him in the lab. Yet, despite his husband's constant nagging and begging of him to sleep, he stays up anyways.

"Ugh," He muttered out, a hand slapping itself to the rounded side of his 7 month belly. "Easy. I'm not your personal punching bag." He teased the unborn child.

"She's telling you to go to bed, Tony." A familiar voice interrupted softly.

Tony lifted up his head and looks over toward the direction of the balcony doorway. He didn't have time to answer when a set of large, muscular, arms wrap themselves around the expectant man's waist and settle both big hands ontop of the bump.

"And you should listen to her." His husband, Steve cooed into Tony's ear as he hugs him from behind.

Leaning back into Steve, Tony tilted his head back as well so he can see his husband. "I'm not taking orders from a fetus." He joked sarcastically.

Steve's brows furrow, "Baby." he corrected.

Tony rolls his eyes at the comment as his hands rest over top of Steves. "Same thing..." he grumbled.

"Saying fetus makes it sound like you're not even acknowledging she's real." Steve argued in a small whine, holding Tony even tighter against his body.

Being the stubborn man Tony is, he scoffed in offense. Steve always pressed the importance of their child's presence where Tony seemed to brush it aside often in almost a means as if he didn't want to believe life has been growing inside of him for almost 9 months. And it was no secret that Tony didn't really want the baby at first-- because let's face it, how many normal men get pregnant from their husbands? Steve on the other hand, when Tony was 2 months along, stated that the Avengers were far from normal and even said to Tony,

"How many skinny kids from Brooklyn, in the 1940s, become a super soldier to fight the Second World War?"

It caused Tony to chew on the thought, too. His husband had a point that they both have reached firsts and beat normality to its very core. Even today, Tony still worries about the world discovering he is able to get pregnant, but Steve promises they'll just announce it was a, "super-secret- surrogate" that carried their baby.
But the main thing that bothers Tony the most, which is what is causing him to push the reality of their baby aside, is the notation of him believing he won't be a very good father. The last thing Tony wants is to reflect the image of Howard as a dad. So, if he kept the idea of the baby neutral, then he won't ruin the kid's life in the long run. There was only one flaw to that method though...raising a baby is a team effort; Tony will have to interact with the kid once it's born anyways, as Steve hopes Tony will fall in love instantly when holding it for the first time.
How the baby will come out into the world is a different story. When Tony went to Bruce for the first time, thinking he is only sick, was told two things: He's pregnant and a hermaphrodite. Meaning, Tony himself was born with his external male body parts but had female ones on the inside; thus, he'll have to deliver via C-section since there's zero way he could naturally.

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