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"You're not her boyfriend you cheated on her!" Jungkook said. I stopped in my tracks I turned around "Listen Jungkook you don't know the whole story and you broke up with her, so just back off." I said as I walked to Y/n's room I could hear Tae say "You don't know Jungkook," . I saw Y/n laying in her bed. She was still asleep. I sat on the chair next to her bedside. "Why were you overworking yourself Y/n ? Why did you skip meals." I thought out loud.

Timeskip 4 hours later**


I slowly fluttered my eyes open and I saw a white ceiling above me. Am I in the hospital? I turned to my side and saw Jimin laying his head on the edge of my bed. I smiled unconsciously. He looked so peaceful. I was still so weak but I managed to slowly lifted my hand and played with his soft fluffy blonde hair not caring if I woke him. His presence made me feel so calm.

I ended up waking him. When he realized i woke up he immediately smiled. "Y-y/n?!" He got up and hugged me tightly. I hugged back. "You woke up finally." He said breaking the hug but his face still inches away from mine. I stared into his dark eyes. What was he doing to me. It's like he had me trapped in a daze.

" must be hungry" he said pulling away. He then picked up a spoon of soup the nurse left for me and he fed it to me. "Mommy you're awake!" "Ohh my baby!" I hugged Jae-Hwa. "Y/n!" "Chanri , Hoseok" "How are you feeling Y/n?" Hoseok asked. "Weak but better."

"Well we'll let you too finish up what you're doing..." Chanri said as she smiled mischievously looking at me and Jimin. "Come on Jae-Hwa lets go get some snacks at the cafeteria." Hoseok said leaving Jimin and I alone again.

"Now where were we," Jimin said as he took the spoon and slowly pushed it infront my face. I just stared at the spoon , I didn't know why. "Come on it isn't gonna eat itself." I slowly opened my mouth and he put the spoon inside.

He giggled at my reaction. "So would you like to tell me why you are overworking yourself and not eating," he said as he tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear. He was making me crazy. What award he doing to me. "I've just been so stressed out lately I haven't had time for rest or meals." "Y/n you need to take care of yourself, your health is always first, so please take care of yourself for Jae-Hwa........

I lost you once Y/n......

And I don't plan to loose you again."

Hi again! Chapter 33 is out. So much drama . Hope you enjoyed . Please follow and vote. Bye for now

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