Part 3: Stolen Car

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Riley's POV

It has been almost one week since I and Sam got our first car. You know that shop that we bought the car from? Two days later they closed. I must admit that that incident with cars and alarms was creepy. Today was a busy day. When I woke up I went for a run. When I came back I went under the shower and then went with Mikaela shopping. That is our favorite thing to do. Every time we go shopping we go to the same salon to get our nails done. I don't like really long nails. They must be just the right size. I painted them with a light pink color so they were matching with the pink skirt that I was wearing today. After a long day that I spent with my best friend, I decided it was time to get home. As I was driving back home I was listening to music on the radio. When I came home it was 6 pm. I parked the car and took all my things. I know that Sam will use the car tomorrow so I don't want to leave anything in. When I came into the house I saw Mom and Dad in the living room. They were watching a romantic movie.

Me: ''Evening.''

They turned around.

Mom: ''Hello darling. How was it?''

Me: ''Amazing but I am so tired. Is Sam home?''

Dad: ''No he went to Miles.''

I nod my head.

Me: ''Ok.''

As I went into my room I put all my bags from shopping on the floor next to the closet and sat on the bed. I took my phone from my purse and sent Sam a message.

Message: 'Hey Sam. If you will need car keys I will have them on my desk. I am so tired that I will just go to sleep so please be quiet when you will take them. Love your sister.'

As I sent the message I changed into my pajamas and went to sleep. I was so tired.

Voice: ''Riley...Riley...Riley.''

Me: ''Sam leave me alone. I said that the car keys were on my desk.''

Voice: ''It's me, Riley.''

My eyes opened. I saw Dad.

Me: ''Dad? What are you doing up? Is it morning already?''

Dad: ''No it's not morning. But something happens.''

Me: ''What?''

Dad: ''It's about Sam.''

When Dad said Sam I quickly sat up.

Me: ''Sam? What happened to Sam?''

Dad: ''He is at the police station.''

Me: ''What? Are you serious?''

Dad: ''Yes he just cold me.''

Me: ''What happened? Is he hurt?''

Dad: ''No but we must get him out. Come get dressed and meet me downstairs.''

Me: ''Give me five minutes. We can go in my car.''

Dad: ''About that...''

Me: ''What?''

Dad: ''Someone stole the car.''

Me: ''What?! How? Why?''

Dad: ''I don't know. But I will get you and your brother another one. Now get dressed.''

He said and went out of my room. How can this happen? Sam is at the police station and our car was stolen. I loved that car and I don't want another. When I got dressed I went downstairs and I saw Mom in the kitchen crying.

Me: ''Don't cry Mom. We will get Sam back in no time.''

Mom just nods her head. Then I and Dad left. When we came to the police station, a police officer took us to the office where was Sam and on man. He had black hair, a brown beard, and brown eyes and he was wearing a black jacket. He was in his late thirties. I and Sam looked each other in the eyes and I could see that he was so happy that we were here.

Strange man: ''So I will ask you again. What are you taking?''

Sam: ''What?''

Strange man: ''Whippets? Goofball?''

Sam: ''I am not on drugs.''

My brother on drugs? Haha, that is funny. Just then the man took pills from his jacket.

Strange man: ''Really? What are those? Mojo? So that is what you kids use those days?''

Me and Sam: ''That is our dog.''

The man first looks at Sam and then at me. When his eyes were on me he looked me up and down.

Me: ''Those pills are for our dog. He is sick.''

Dad: ''Mojo is a small dog. Chihuahua.''

The man looks away from me and my dad. He was so strange. I think that he is on drugs.

Strange man: ''What? What was that?''

He asked as he looked back at my brother.

Sam: ''What?''

Strange man: ''I saw you. You were looking at my thing.''

He said and stepped closer to Sam. I did not hear what he was saying, but I heard Sam ask the man if he was on drugs. Now came my turn to use my woman charm. I began to cry and beg the man to let my brother go. I was telling him that my brother was sick with some rare sickness and that he didn't know what he was doing most of the time. As I was crying I was looking at the man with puppy eyes. My brother was not the only one who could use his eyes. My plane worked and Sam was free to go. When we came out I hugged him. But then I hit him. Hard.

Sam: ''Aw! What was that for?

Me: ''For being so stupid.''

Sam: ''I am sorry.''

Me: ''It's ok. But don't think that I will always be there to save your butt.''

Sam: ''Thank you again.''

When we came home Sam told me what happened to him that night. He was following our car and then our car became a big robot. And he was giving some signal to the sky. Look I don't know what to say to Sam. All of this sounds crazy. What do you think? 

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