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Mason's POV

"Banks! Banks, are you okay?" I run towards her, panic building up in me.

She's on her knees, her body seemingly shaking as she tries to balance all her body weight on her hands which are on the grass.

"Banks!" She doesn't say anything.

I reach her and get down on my knees to get a closer look at her. Her eyes are shut and strands of her chestnut brown hair are sticking to her face due to perspiration.

"I'm dying. I'm dying." She manages to say amidst trying to catch her breath.

She's panting wildy and her voice comes out as a whisper.

"I'm dying." She repeats, falling on her back on the grass. "I knew this was how it would end. I don't belong in a sports field, this will be the death of me."

I chuckle and she groans, turning on her side and balling herself up.

"You're not going to die, Banks." I chuckle and try to help her up.

She swats my hand away and groans.

I guess attempting two miles in one go was a bad idea.

Looking at her tiny balled up body, I make up my mind that we can't continue. We'll have to stop for the day and I'll have to take her home.

"Banks." she doesn't reply. She looks peaceful now, her panting is decreasing and she seems to be calming down. "Banks, are you asleep?"

No response.

"Banks?" I speak a little louder.

"I'm not asleep." She finally answers. "What's wrong with you?"

"Get up," I say with a chuckle, "I'll take you home."

"No." She turns around and returns to her initial position of lying on her back.

"You don't wanna go home?"

"I do; I don't want to get up. I can't get up."

"Should I carry you?"

The moment the question leaves my lips, her eyes shoot open and she stares up at me in shock. She violently shakes her head and attempts to get up but falls back down.

God, I didn't even give her water.

This time, without asking, I place my arms under her back and her legs and swoop her up. Before she can react, I'm already walking away from the sports field.

She doesn't say anything but I can sense her awkwardness.

I hope this doesn't make her uncomfortable.

I wasn't going to wait for her to recover and decide to finally get up. That could've taken hours and I have other commitments.

When we get to the car, she whispers that I can put her down and I do that. I take out the car keys from my pocket and unlock it. She gets into the passenger's seat and closes her eyes.

I realise that I forgot my bag back in the field and run back to get it.

"Mason!" Nathan calls and I turn around.

He's standing on the lawn in between the tracks. Something that is only allowed to happen during sporting events because the school won't pay for its maintenance if students just walk all over it.

I walk over towards him and he does the same.

"What are you doing here, man?"

"Oh, I was just running a few laps." I give him a convincing smile and he smiles back.

He parts his lips to say something but some girl calls him from the other side and he turns around to wave at her.

"I gotta go, man." He grins and runs off in the direction of the red head.


Maya's POV

Mason finally returns, his gym back secured in his grip. He opens the door and gets in. I don't say anything and just look out the window to avoid looking at him.

He seriously just carried me to his car.

"Here." He hands me my water bottle which is once again filled with water. I open it and take several gulps.

Mason turns the key in the ignition and the car starts. We both buckle up and he drives out of the school.

"Mason," I say when we're a few minutes away from home, "about you giving me a ride..."

"I'll pick you up Monday morning."

"What?" My eyes widen, "No, no, you don't have to do that. In fact, don't."

"Why?" He looks at me for a second before focusing back on the road.

"You just don't have to. I know our moms just threw the idea at you. Really, I can take the bus." I grin awkwardly at him.

He chuckles and shakes his head and I assume he's thinking about the first time we met.

He can't always use that as reference of my bus taking abilities. I've been taking the bus for years and I never miss it. The problem was him that evening. Him and his stupid fists.

"Uhm, well, you're always late and I don't want to inconvenience you by making you wake up early." I state when he doesn't reply to my previous statement.

"I actually wake up pretty early, Banks. It's just that I give your friend, Max, a ride every morning and he's the late one." He grins like an idiot.

"Then I can't inconvenience him."

"Max can either learn to be early or get a ride from his parents."

"Mason, really, there's no need for all of that.".

"Your mom seemed very pleased with the idea of you not taking the bus. I intend to make a good impression on Dr. Banks and not disappoint her."

"I'll tell her don't want you to give me a lift." My irritation is now evident in my voice.

"This is none negotiable, Banks."

This idiot seems to be enjoying this. I'm not obliged to get into his car Monday morning. If he thinks he can force me then he's kidding himself.

He gets into his driveway and parks the car. I take out my phone, bottle and keys from his back and open the door. Without saying anything to him, I storm off across the street.

"Since your attitude and stubbornness is back, I'm going to assume you're feeling better." Masons calls out behind me and I roll my eyes.

I take out my keys from the deep pockets of my shorts and unlock the door. As soon as I get in, my phone  vibrates and I check it to see a text from Shelly.

Wht's ths about u being wth Mason at school?

What the-

Before I can finish that thought, another text from her comes in.

B and I R cmng ovr rn!

I sigh heavily and laugh. How did she even find out about this? They're going to spend the whole day roasting me about this.

Well, I better get ready.

I run up the stairs to my bedroom. I really need a shower.

You guys☺ I want to thank you for reading AKFM. It really means a lot to me. Thank you for the votes as well❤😊.

Please continue to read, vote and share. I hope you enjoy every chapter❤.

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