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After a long while of talking about omega and his family, its time we rewind all the way to the beginning, when we talked about the sons of the lord of all, maximus in particular.

Maximus, the second son of the lord of all, is the leader of the royal army, meaning if anything happened, he would be counselled and maybe even punished for it. Now, this included whether or not he caused, or when it happened or even how it happened, no matter what it is he would be at fault.

So, when omega disappeared, maximus being the second, took his place. Maximus was very excited for this. Unfortunately, this meant more responsibility but maximus was up for it.

Many years passed and omega didnt come back something was clearly wrong and maximus with his determination searched every nook and crony of the realm. Unluckily maximus doesnt have access to other realms, reason being that the omniverse was destroyed by his father and maximus had no tenno.

Maximus wept for many days, some may say it was weeks and some may say it was months but others say it was more like years. Maximus then fled from home cause of the stress, they all knew that he was running mad, but for the mean time lets say it was stress.

After a few days, maximus came back home and took back his post as leader of the royal army. Fast forward 2 years in the future and your fighting in a war caused by the disappearance omega because he wasnt there to predict it.

Later on, everybody found out what happened, omega had died, or at least thats what they thought happened, they all accused maximus because of his last vacation. So, they threw maximus out of the kingdom. His father, the lord of all, cursed him that he will never find love and he would be cast out of every place he was to step foot in. maximus regretted all the years that he spent and pledged that he will not die until his father begs for forgiveness from him.

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