Chapter 10: Hospital

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I woke up in hospital. Dallas and Maddie were sitting on two chairs by the window, Eddie was sitting on a chair by the door, mum was sitting next to my bed, holding my hand and Demi was sitting at the end of my bed looking at me.
"She's waking up!" I heard Maddie shout.
"Sis sis? Can you hear me?" Maddie said getting up and shaking my shoulder lightly.
"Give her some space Mad" Dallas said softly, pulling Maddie back.
"Hey baby girl" Demi whispered.
She looked like she had been crying.
Just then mum started to cry, as she realised I was ok.
"Thank god your ok!" Mum said though her tears.
I saw Eddie sigh with relief in the corner of my eye, when he realised I was ok.
"I was worried sick!" Mum said wiping her eyes with a tissue.
"I'm sorry" i crocked.
"No baby! I'm sorry, I should of known" she said rubbing my arm.
"Me too" Demi said though her tears and coming to sit closer to me.
Then the doctor walked in.
"Ok she should be good to go home tomorrow, but for now we need to keep a close eye on her" The doctor said reading his clip bored.
"I'll be back later to check that everything's going ok" He continued, then started to walk out.
"Thank You" Eddie said shutting the door after he walked out.
"How do you feel baby?" Dallas asked me.
"Ok I guess" I whispered.
"Do you want some of my cookies?" Maddie asked holding the bag out.
"I'm alright thanks" I giggled.
"We've decided that you should keep staying with Demi" mum said as she finally stopped crying.
"She can keep a close eye on you and she knows exactly what you're going though" she continued.
"Ok" I said trying to move.
"Do you mind?" Demi asked quietly.
"No not at all" I smiled.
And that was the truth, I actually really enjoy spending time with her especially now that I have nothing to hide.
Demi smiled back at me. And soon after Maddie let out a huge yawn.
"Ok it's getting late so I think it's time we head off, are you girls going to be ok?" Mum asked standing up.
"Yeah" me and Demi replied smiling.
"Ok, come on you guys" mum said gesturing for Dallas and Maddie to stand up.
"Bye Katie, bye Dem" Maddie said hugging us individually then walking out.
"Bye baby" Dallas said kissing my head.
"Bye Dem" Dallas said walking round the bed to hug Demi, then following Maddie out the door.
"Bye girls, stay safe" Eddie said walking out as well.
"Bye" we shouted to all of them as the door shut.
"Right now don't you go giving Demi any trouble" mum said making a joke.
"Now you just call me if anything happens" Mum said turning to Demi.
"I love you girlies, stay strong" She said hugging us tight.
"Love you too momma" we replied.
"Things will be better soon I promise" She whispered still holding us tight.
"Ok bye girls" she said, finally letting go of us and then kissing us on our heads.
"Bye" I replied as she walked out. But Demi didn't say anything she just stared at me with a sad look on her face, as if she was about to cry because she was seeing me like this.
"Oh come here!" She said pulling me in to a hug.
There was a couple seconds silence as we continued to hug.
"I thought I'd lost you" she whispered into my ear, though her tears.
"I'm sorry Dem" I said hugging her tight, but amazingly I didn't cry.
"It's fine just don't go pulling shit like that again yeah? You scared me to fucking death!" She said letting go of our tight hug.
"I won't. I promise." I said feeling my eyes get wet.
"Ok now we better get some rest"
Demi walked over to the chair Eddie was sitting in and pulled a hospital blanket over her, and shut her eyes.
"What are you doing?" I giggled.
"Huh?" She said sitting up innocently.
"Come here!" I laughed pulling back a corner of my blanket.
"But that's a single bed and...."
"Well cuddle up closer then!" I said cutting her off.
She smiled and climbed in. She put her arm around me and I laid on her chest, with my arms around her.
"Night baby girl" she said kissing me.
"Night Dem Dem" I said hugging her tighter.
I woke up and was nearly blinded by the bright white hospital lights. I sat up to see Demi at the end of my bed, eating some grapes.
"Morning baby girl" she said smiling.
I just rubbed my eyes.
"You're free to go home now" she said putting the grapes down.
"What like now?" I asked.
"Yeah we're allowed to leave whenever we like, are you ready to leave now or do you want to stay hear and rest a bit more?"
"Can we leave now? I hate hospitals"
"Yeah I hate them too" she smiled.
There was a moment of silence.
"You know everything is going to be okay baby girl" Demi said quietly sounding as if she was going to cry.
I looked at her with my big brown eyes, just like hers, and felt like I was going to cry.
"You can stay with me in till this all gets better, I'm going to help you get though this one step at a time, it's all going to be over soon I promise baby and I'm always going to be here if you need me, we're going to get through this baby girl, I promise" she started crying towards the end and then hugged me. I hugged her back even tighter.
"I love you baby girl"
"I love you too Dem Dem"

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