1-Broken Promise

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(Katelyn Styles played by Lily Collins on the side.) Okay, I really wanted to get this up, so I am uploading this chapter now. I am not updating until I get several more chapters though. Thanks!
Liam Payne's POV
I watch her look around the house in admiration of the dark wood finishes. Her dark brown shoulder-length hair bounces with the movement of her body. She jogs to a bookshelf and begins looking at the titles on the bindings. When her hands touch the spine of a journal called "My Biggest Question," she pulls it out curiously.

"Open it," I tell her. She does as told and flips through the empty pages. She turns to the middle, the only page with writing. I drop to one knee and pull a ring out of my jacket. She turns around, a shocked look on her face.

"Katelyn Olivia Styles," I ask, "Will you marry me?" Katelyn's hands go to her mouth as she falls into my arms nodding.

"Yes," she whispers. I stand, picking my beautiful fiancé off the ground and spin her. Her giggles echo off of the walls.

"Let's go tell the boys," I say, grabbing her hand and yanking her down the stairs.

"We're getting married!" I exclaim. Harry explodes from his seat, and storms out of the house, mumbling curse words.

I look at Kate and snake my arm around her shoulders when I see tears linger in her eyes.

"He just doesn't like the fact that you're growing up," I whisper into Katelyn's ear.

"No," she whispers just loud enough for me to hear, "He just hates me." I shake my head and gently cup her face. Her green eyes are piercing against her pale skin.

"He doesn't hate you," I tell her, my past flashing through my head quickly, making the hair on my neck stand, "He loves you."

"I'm gunna head out for a bit," she tells me, pulling away from my embrace. I watch her leave, somewhat worried for her safety. The door clicks closed.

"She'll be fine," Someone says. I jump in surprise, instantly bringing my hands to my face.

"Woah mate," the person says revealing themselves, "Its only me." Niall stands beside me with a worried expression on his face. "Don't worry about that." Niall is the only person who knows about my past, and I want to keep it that way. Well, I guess I will have to eventually tell Kate about it, but I'm not sure now's the best time.

"I'm going to find her before she does something stupid," I state.

"I'll check on her," Zayn informs me.
Katelyn's P.O.V.
I hop into my car and drive off. Tears stream down my face. Harry is an idiot. If he can't accept that I love Liam, I won't love him. No, I will always love him, but he just needs to worry about himself. Didn't he pay attention to the teacher's tip when he would tattle? I come upon a red light and slowly brake.

So many thoughts are running through my mind. They are driving me up a wall and causing my emotions to run wild. I'm mad at Harry for not supporting me. I'm happy because after almost 3 years of dating, Liam finally purposed. Harry promised me that he wouldn't get mad about my relationships anymore after he went to far once. It was when I told him that I was dating his one of his mates. I promised not to tell if he promised not to overreact again. Harry hasn't been the same since our mom died.

I can remember when Harry first introduced me to his band. It was a whole year after they were on the X-Factor. Harry felt uncomfortable introducing a bunch of young boys to me. He was the type of brother that was really protective, and sometimes over protective. Sometimes, I would push him too far and he would blow up at me. His screams were intimidating. They always were. I sometimes wonder if he still yells, and if he does, how much his voice booms. Does it still make me want to back against the wall and hide? I don't want to find out.

The light turns green and I continue down the road. Where exactly am I going? I make a right turn by instinct. Red flowers line the sides of the road and the grass is freshly mowed and bright green. When I see the familiar blue water and park my car. I jump out and rush over to the wood bench under a large maple tree. This was Harry and I's "promise tree" when we were kids. Our mother told us that if we needed to trust each other with a secret, we should come to the tree and carve the date along with the words "I promise." She said it wouldn't be 100% kept, but everything would work out in the end.

I run my finger along one engraving. February 2, 2012. It was the day Harry promised me that any boy I choose to live my life with, he would accept. I feel warm tears fall down my cheeks. He broke his promise.

"What are you doing here?"

-------------------------------------------Heeyy! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment. Also, I changed up some of the boys' pasts. They are also American. Sorry if you don't like that, but it is for the sake of the story. Thanks.



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