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I have a major crush on a guy right now. His name is Logan.

He is from Call of Duty Ghosts and is in an AMAZING story called Courage by @brontideandsough

A lot of you won't know what I'm talking about, but this goes to my friends starrbucksharry NO! I am not changing Katelyn's name!

The last song was In Your Arms by Nico & Vinz

Katelyn's P.O.V.
I remember the day my mom died. I can recall Harry coming out of her room crying, whispering "mommy" over and over. I've never seen him like that, ever. He told me the news slowly, not necessarily to let it sink in, but to prepare me for what was to come.

After he managed to inform me of our mother's passing, he enveloped me in a hug. His embrace was tight and warm. It told me that he was there, and at that time, that he always would be. Obviously, I was wrong about that.

For the first few months after my mother's death, Harry and I were close. It was almost as if nothing could come between us. That didn't last. Soon, after spending time with he and his band, I began to develop feelings for Liam Payne.

Harry and I began to drift apart slowly as Liam and I became closer. I knew something was up with Harry when he missed our movie night after I invited Liam to it. Harry had never missed a movie night before that night. I began to weigh the causes of his absence. Maybe he was mad at me. Maybe he was sick. Maybe he just simple forgot. How could he have forgotten? He couldn't have. Movie night meant everything to him. I know that sounds a bit weird, but it did. He said it, not me.

I shake off the thoughts as I pull into the cemetery entrance. Flowers line the gravel road, giving the place an odd beauty. I pull up to my mothers grave, third row, sixth plot. The stone has "Styles" inscribed on the top in capital letters. Below that is the word "mother."

"You were one heck of a mother," I whisper, more to myself than her. I feel my eyes fill with tears slowly, but I blink them away. Grabbing the purple and white flowers I bought, I exit my car. "Mom," I whisper, be gong down to the grass above where her body lies, "It's been nuts without you here. Harry lost it." I touch my cheek and continue, "I wish you were here to tell me what I should do. I need you, momma. I love you."

I carefully place the flowers before the tombstone and back away. Gosh I miss her.
Sorry this was short. I wrote this at school and it was 2 pages. I was overwhelmed with homework today. I also have to write a report on Niall.

I have a Space Exploration test almost every day this week. 8-(

I will try to have another chapter Friday. I promise something will happen.

What's this song?

"Boy, look at me in my face. Tell me that your not just about this bass. You really think I could be replaced? Nah, I come from outer space."


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