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I wake up on the basement couch, not knowing how I got there. I remember sitting in the bean bag chair, then the rest is a blur. Or it's just not there. I'm not sure, but I get up anyways and go to my room to change. Going back to the main floor, the smell of bacon fills the air.

"Good morning Julia! Hope you slept alright downstairs on that couch," my mom blurts out as I step into the kitchen.

"It wasn't terrible," I reply shrugging.

"Jackson had came up saying you passed out on the couch, so we thought it'd be best to just let you sleep."

"Yeah that's fine."

"Well, start serving yourself some food, I have an important meeting today that I should start getting ready for."

"Ok, thank you!"

I walk over to the cupboard that has put bowls and plates and grab a small plate, as my mom walks out the kitchen. I put a grab two slices of toast, a few pieces of bacon and a single sunny side up egg.

After breakfast, I call Lilly. Having not seen her since the last day of Junior year, I thought we could catch up.

It goes right to voice mail so I send a quick text.

"Hey wanna catch up soon? It's been a couple weeks since I've seen you!!"

While I wait I decide to go over to Jackson's.

"Hey!" He exclaims seeing me on the other side of his front door.

"Hi! I was wondering if you wanted to hangout for a bit?"

"Sure! Yeah! Come in!" He smiles gently. As I walk in, I smell something sweet. There's boxes scattered all over the entry room. "Sorry it's a mess."

"It's ok. Do you need any help unpacking?"

"That would be great but you don't need to help."

"I'd like to help. It looks there still plenty to do," I say.

"If that's what you wanna do I guess," he laughs.

After doing some unpacking~

"Do you wanna go chill in my room for a bit? I have my tv set up," Jackson asks.

"Sure!" As we walk to his room, we pass I assume his parent's room. There's a few framed pictures of Jackson laying on a table. We get to Jackson's room and I take a seat in his desk chair. He grabs the remote and falls onto his bed.

"You can sit over here if you want," he points to an open spot on his bed.

"I'm good right here but thanks!"

We both decide on watching Family Guy. There was nothing else good on tv. After a couple minutes, I glance over at Jackson and catch him staring at me but he quickly turns his head back to the tv screen. I smile and start blushing.

"Do you want anything to eat? Or something to drink?"

"Sure what do you have?"

"We have come, pepsi, water, chips, and that's about it," he answers.

"I'll take a water." As he walks out, I decide to go and sit on his bed. I was starting to feel uncomfortable in the chair. I make myself comfortable.

"I found some goldfish so I brought them just in case," he says walking in and smiling. I smile in return but feel my face start to burn. He hands me the glass of water, then I feel my phone buzz. I pull it out and see I got a text from Lilly.

"Sorry busy today w Todd."

Of course. She's with her boyfriend. No surprise there. I roll my eyes.

"Everything ok?" I look over and Jackson looks concerned.

"Yeah. I had asked my friend earlier if she wanted to hang out since we haven't seen each other since the end of Junior year but she just said she was with her boyfriend."

"Oh I'm sorry," Jackson says apologetically.

"It's ok. She's always busy with him. Wouldn't be surprised if she got pregnant honestly." We both laugh.

It's now 1:00 pm and a rush of tiredness comes upon me so I lay down.

"Are you tired Julia?" My eyes open up quickly completely forgetting I was at Jackson's.

"Yeah just a little I'm fine."

"You can fall asleep I don't mind."

"Thanks," I say then I'm out like a light.

I wake up to Jackson shaking me awake. I rub my eyes and look around then see my mom and his mom in his doorway.

"Next time let me know when you are over here!! I was worried sick Julia Ray!!" my mom shouts.

"Sorry.." I mumble.

"Your father ordered pizza for dinner and it'll be here in about 15 minutes so you should get up and come home now."

"Ok." I get up and search for my phone knowing it was somewhere just not remembering where.

"Oh you're probably looking for this," Jackson says handing me my phone with a smirk on his face.

"Uh yeah, thanks," I say grabbing it from him then waving bye.

After saying bye to Mrs.Marin, my mother and I walk home. On the short walk, she exclaims how she didn't like the fact I was over at Jackson's without telling her nor seeing I was asleep in his bed with him.

"Sorry I got tired and passed out."

"That's no excuse. I'm your mother and have rights to know where you are."

"At least I was right next door."

"Yeah and I was this close to calling the cops!!" She shouts in my face.

"It won't happen again."

"Good it better not." We walk inside. My mom suddenly gets all smiley and happy like she wasn't just yelling at me and I walk upstairs to my room.

As I get up to my room, I open up my phone to see if anyone's texted me. Opening up snapchat as I fall onto my back on my bed, I see I have 4 text. And 1 added person? I open it and see who added me.

Of course. How'd he get into my phone though? The thoughts of him some how highjacking my phone run through my mind then I jump when my dad knocks on the door.

"Pizzas here," he says through the door, then walks away assuming I heard him.

I get up and walk to my door. I feel a little light headed but ignore it. Walking down the stairs, my hand runs against the cool wooden handrail. I walk into the kitchen, and the light headed feeling is growing. I continue to ignore it thinking it's just a minor headache.

"Here's a plate, Julia," my mom quickly hands me a paper plate.

"Thank you." I get up and grab some pizza. When I sit back down, I try to eat but the headache makes it less enjoyable. "Do we have any ibuprofen?"

"Yes it's in the hall closet." My dad replies. I get up to go find it. Opening the closet, I start to feel nauseous. The feeling is so strong.

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