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Next thing I know, my mom and dad are shaking me awake.

"Julia!!! Julia get up!!"

"Julia!! Should we call someone??"

"Julia please wake up!!" My eyes flicker open, and I cover them from the bright light above.

"Oh thank god she's all right," my mom starts saying with tears running down her face. She's shaking. Once I am adjusted to the light, I sit up, grabbing my my mom's hand letting her know everything's ok. "We almost called an ambulance!!" She screams at me.

"I thought I only had a headache."

"Well clearly a bad one!"

"I didn't think I would pass out," I say back starting to get frustrated. I don't know why I passed out. It's like it's all my fault. "I cant control it."

"It's fine, you're ok, everything's fine," my dad jumps in trying to help lighten the mood.

"I want to know why she passed out in the middle of the hallway Jim!!"

"Well getting mad at her and asking her why when she clearly doesn't know isn't going to get anyway Mary!!" Dad's getting infuriated. Once he says my moms name in an argument, he's mad.

"Alright. I'm sorry Julia." Mom gets up letting go of my hand, and walks to the kitchen to get a glass of wine. Every time she loses an argument, or gets mad in general, she gets a glass of wine to calm herself.

My father helps me get up, and walks me to my room. I sit down onto my bed. My dad sits down next to me. "I'm sorry about your mom. She's got a lot going on right now with work."

"It's ok," I say quietly.

"Have you been drinking plenty of water lately? Are you feeling ok?"

"I felt completely fine earlier, but when I got home I started feeling light headed."

"Maybe you were just dehydrated and tired."


"Well you should get some rest. I'll bring up a glass of water for you."

"Thanks dad."

~The Next Morning~

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