Loyalty Issues and Branch Topics

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     If you have read any of my other random life stories in prior books I've written or even all of the priors completely, you know almost everything about me, and my Convoluted/Twisted life, mindset, and even my dark; sometimes Insidious; Sometimes fucked up; and sometimes so stupid it's funny,bsense of humor.
      Though you may or may not have read those books, or seen my Facebook/Instagram, or ever even met or got to know me by other means, none of that will matter to understand my life up until now, or what kind of person I am. To give you an idea, I will be starting with my most recent, text-delivered encounters with my non-biological dad who's both been always away at work when I grew up with secret daily beatings from my mom when he left, and also claims to have raised me better just before getting released from Jail, avoiding my texts for three days, and even chewed me out on the very first text he sent me when all I wanted to do was talk man-to-man about some false rumors I heard he may or may not have spread about me prior to his incarseration.
     He started calling my friends a bunch of little shits, liars, and thieves. He did this because I called his loyalty and integrity into question, in retaliation, because it took him three days to respond to his son even though he told me he would be willing to talk to me much earlier at the very end of his divorce trial, Hoenshell vs Terry, in the local court house where I was asked to testify for my mom.
     During the final day of the trial I agreed to testify, personally because I mainly saw an opportunity to finally have my few remaining belongings, that my mother ripped away from me when she moved to another county.
         She tried to hold my things ransom because she wanted me to pay her back some money that went missing that I didn't even take. Though she agreed to a lesser, more realistically obtainable ammount of it.                        My dad, whome I worked for, making $10 an hour cash/ under the table, I was about to start getting access to overtime, I was about to get paid in approximately two days, or three tops if I had chosen to work the following Saturday, and I was expecting $400 for my 40hr week that week, and I was going to use a chunk of it to get me a new bong, and more weed after I dropped off $200 of it with probation,  so I could budget the other $200 so I could have the bong, and more weed, while still having enough cash leftover to buy me a carton of cigarettes for the upcoming week along with two extra packs.
        One pack was just for me and the other pack I would share with anyone who needed a cigarette if someone couldn't afford any just yet or ran out and needed one.
     When I was getting paid on Friday, my friends Devin and Kristen, who I also considered family, were waiting on me at the office after work. After I got paid, I was planning to go buy all that stuff and smoke with them... On me.
       My dad said he was a little short on my pay because of a pay shortage on the customer's end, this is common in construction so I let it slide when he gave me $200 cash up front then and said he would bring the other half to probation for me on tuesday. When I was working for my dad full time after me and him left the house at the beginning of the divorce, he typically stayed and slept at his office most nights when he wasn't staying with either the job supervisor Kieth that he hired, or with his fuck buddy Rachel. while making one, circumstantial exception. The occasional but rare exception, he stayed with me and my Co-worker Dillion, whome I moved in with, and he'd sleep on the pull out mattress.
     Though on the one-time instance, he told me that he had managed to land a three way with Rachel, and a girl named Shiella who was, and still is on meth.
        Prior to his arrest, me and my dad had a falling out, because of a disagreement about how I should live my life.
    We had claimed the house back from my mom legally. Shortly after I was arrested for my second time, and released for the second time, from Gilmer County Jail after three and a half months, I had some newly learned knowledge about my home life slowly, but progressively changing.  
     Along with my future in life changing drastically, in a good way, which almost completely countered my slowly changing house-hold situation, which showed no signs as to how far or bad it would progress too. Rachel and her kids took my room while I was behind bars, and when I was released I had to sleep in the upstairs loft, on a  semi-comfortable, (though mostly still uncomfortable), couch.
          The day after I was released, my dad said to take it slow, and that he didn't want me to tell everyone I was out just yet. I didn't tell my mom, my sister found out through internet stalking, and I called my close friend Kristen who I considered to be like my Non-Blood sister. She apparently had gotten pregnant with a guy that luckily I had approved prior to my first, 25 day lock up.
    His name is Dillan and he seemed like a big improvement back then and still does, even more now because when he got her pregnant while I was locked up, he didn't bail out on her, instead he proposed and they later got married.
         She told me about the baby when I called her, and she asked me to be the kid's Godfather. To take care of him if anything happened to the two of them, or if they lost all means of taking care of the kid, either physically/mentally and/or financially.
     I said yes... I felt honored for the first time... and she never sounded happier in all the years I've known her... and THAT, made me truly happy for a moment.

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