Chapter Eighteen

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I couldn't stop pacing. Everyone in the common room was furious. Harry was cursing under his breath, Ron and Hermione where trying to calm down Neville, Seamus and Dean where about ready to punch something, and Ginny was trying to keep Fred and George in line. The amount of frustration was palpable, but the fear was far more evident.

"I can't believe this. Most of us aren't even sixteen yet." Many of the third years and below where horrified. I looked over at Harry, who was still flustered and I sighed. I walked over and patted his shoulder then i walked out of the common room and made my way to the dungeons.

"Enter." The door flew open. He looked up and sighed. "Dani." My fists where clenched and my eyes where filled with tears of frustration. "Breathe. I know what you're feeling, but it has to happen. I've already been assigned my partner due to the fact that I am an adult." I looked at him with eyes that pleaded for the name.


"She hasn't been notified yet but she will be by tomorrow."

"WHO?!" I stood there.

"Dani, say something." I couldn't say anything. The name has rolled off of his lips so easily and it branded into my mind.

"What do you expect me to say. I'm happy for you? I love you, you know that but.. I don't know what to say anymore." He walked up to me and held me.

"I didn't choose her. I would've chosen you if I had the option." My eyes lit up.

"What if I choose you. I mean I had already planned to, but it would counteract your betrothal to her." He smirked and placed his hand on my waist.

"Brilliant. Truly brilliant." I gave him a quick kiss and ran to the owlry. I wrote down that I chose Severus and I sent it to the ministry.

I bumped into Draco on my way out.

"Oh sorry." he smiled softly.

"It's alright. I see you managed to send your choice for your partner." I nodded. "I have too. Truly I hate this but in the end it's what they want and you can't really fight it can you?" I took his hand.

"I couldn't agree more. I got to run but I'll see you around." He nodded.

"Alright." He gave me a weak smile and I walked down the stairs back to the common room. When i got there Hermione collapsed into my arms.

"What's happened?" Hermione was sobbing. "Mione?" Harry walked up to me.

"She got partnered with Snape." I bit my lip, attempting not to cry. Everyone in the room slowly came to realize why I was crying. Ron pulled Hermione off me and placed her on the couch, then he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry. Maybe it can be rearranged." I just stood there, with my head buried in the crook of his neck crying. Harry came up behind me and hugged me.

"Don't worry. We will figure this out." I lifted my head and smiled.

"Really?" Harry nodded. I couldn't help but smile. "You two. What would I do without you?"

"Let's hope we don't gotta find out." Ron placed a hand on my shoulder and laughed. The door to the common room opened and Dumbledore entered.

"Dani, come with me. You've been matched." My stomach dropped to my knees and I felt my chest tighten as I followed him to his office. "Sit." I did.

"Sir, who is it?" The door behind me opened and my answer was given.

"Good evening Mr. Malfoy." Draco nodded and smiled weakly at me. I felt a small amount of relief but it wasn't enough.

"Good evening, Professor." He sat down in the seat next to me.

"Now. You two still have a month to choose someone but if you haven't found someone, then you so shall be partnered." We both nodded. "You both are free to go. Oh and send Professor Snape to me when you see him." The door behind us opened quickly to reveal, "Well just who I wanted to see. Good evening Severus." He gave Dumbledore a curt nod then he looked at me. Draco and I stood up but Dumbledore stopped me. "Ms. Evans, do stay a moment." I nodded and sat down as Draco slid past Severus, leaving and closing the door behind him.

"What do you need, Albus?" Severus sat down in the chair that was previously occupied by Draco.

"Well, as you know, you both have been partnered with others." We both nodded. "That being said, it's not safe for you two to be together. I suggest that whatever you two have, ends." And with that I was up and running down the stairs and out to the tree, my tree.

"You know he's right. I hate it but he is." I looked up at him, with bloodshot and puffy eyes. He sat down next to me. "I never said I wanted to, because I don't."

"What about Hermione? And Draco?" He sighed.

"We will figure something out, I promise." I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder. I heard the bell tower strike. It was time for dinner. I stood up and Severus followed. As we reached a corner I pulled him against a wall and kissed him. His hands roamed my body gently. I tangled my fingers in his hair. I bit his bottom lip and he chuckled, breaking the kiss. I leaned my forehead against his. "We will get through this." I smiled weakly and he backed away, allowing me to find my seat in the Great Hall.

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