Chapter Five

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The next morning I woke up to Ginny and Hermione running around the room throwing pillows at each other. I sat up and I got knocked in the head by a pillow Ginny had thrown. I looked at her and laughed. We all ended up having a pillow fight. After our laughter seized, we got dressed and went down to breakfast. After we ate we went to our classes and Charms didn't seem to be that bad. Lucius has no interest in children so he'd teach us something and let us practice on our own and as weeks passed he seemed to be in a normal routine with everyone. All my classes seemed easy, even potions was going well for me. Snape and I haven't been talking much either. I figure he's busy.

Its a little after thanksgiving and mum sent me a letter.


Hello my love! I miss you too. Sorry it took so long. A ministry worker is never not busy, I know you where looking forward to Christmas at home but the minister is making me stay on Christmas. I believe Arthur is staying as well. I am deeply sorry, sweetheart. I'm sending you my gift on christmas. I love you bunches. Tell the others I said hi back.

With hugs and kisses,


So I guess I'm here for Christmas. I'll be with Harry, so it's not that bad. I replied back and sent it. I went down to the common room. Harry told me he wasn't going to the Weasley's this year so we would have to be stuck with each other. I smiled and we came up with a plan for Christmas. I loved it.

"Alright so I'll go see Sirius for a few days." I nodded. "Are you sure you'll be alright?" I nodded again.

"I have Dumbledore here. I can have tea with him in the afternoon. He is family. I won't be lonely. I'll be fine." Harry smiled and gave me a stern look.

"If anyone gives you trouble, send me an owl and I'll rip them in two." I giggled.

"I will."

The weeks went by quickly and soon enough I was one of the few kids wandering around Hogwarts.

I was walking through the gardens on a Tuesday evening. I felt the snow crunching beneath my boots. I stopped when I heard footsteps. I turned and saw professor Snape.

"Hello, Professor." He nodded.

"Hello, Ms. Evans. Enjoying yourself?" I nodded.

"Yes, sir." I sat down on a bench and he sat next to me.

"How are you? We haven't spoken since term started." I smiled

"I'm doing well. How about you?" he nodded

"Pretty much the same. Accept there is something on my mind. As my friend I figure I could share?" I nodded vigorously.

"Of course." I turned and looked at him.

"Well, there is someone I'm interested in. I'm very fond of her. I would like to ask her to dinner tomorrow night." I felt myself blush.

"I think she'll say yes." He looked at me, his eyes seemed to want something.

"I'm going to tell you something and if it's too much.." I interrupted.

"Tell me." He took a deep breath.

"The person I'm fond of is you. I have been wanting to ask you on a date for a while but I figured you'd reject me and-" He stopped. I kissed him and he kissed back. He pulled me closer and wrapped his hands around my waist. He released me and rested his forehead against mine. I giggled.

"Severus, you have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." He smiled and pulled me against him. We sat there for a while and I felt myself shudder. Severus looked down at me.

"It's cold, would you like to join me in having a glass of cocoa?" I smiled at him and nodded. He stood up and grabbed my hand. He led me to his chambers. I sat down in a chair by the fire and curled up with a blanket. He walked in and handed me the mug. I smiled and took a sip. It felt warm and soothing. I put it down into the table and looked at him, watching him stare into the fire. His gaze slowly moved onto mine. I felt happy.

The next few days consisted of small chats and visits with Severus and afternoon tea with Dumbledore. When Harry got back I hung out with him the majority of the time. Severus was always spying on us.

I was down in the common room sitting by the fire and Harry came down with a box wrapped in colorful paper. He sat down next to me and handed it to me.

"Open it." I looked at him.

"But Christmas isn't for another week." He nodded.

"I know. I don't feel like waiting. Open it, please." I smiled and carefully tore off the wrapping paper. It was a black wooden box with carvings like the letter I had that was with uncle Tobin's letter. I opened the box and saw a smaller velvet box vas opened it. It was a necklace with a small owl charm that looked like Bellfire. I smiled and looked at Harry.

"Oh Harry, I love it. Both of them." I turned to look at him and his eyes locked into mine. We moved in closer and closer until our lips where centimeters apart. He pulled me against him and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he laid me down. He wrapped his hands around my waist and released me from the kiss and pulled me. I rested my on his chest.

"Dani, I..i love you. I know it's sudden but I figured since we where alone that it was the perfect time." I smiled at him. "You don't need to say it back until you're sure, I know I love you and at least I know you feel something for me." I smiled and blushed. We sat up and he put the necklace on me. He kissed me again. I smiled and rested my head against him. My heart started pounding. 'How am I going to tell Severus?' I stood up and looked at Harry calmly.

"You clean this up and I'll be back soon. I have to go do something. It's for my mum." He nodded and kissed me again. I took off down the hallway and down to the dungeons. I knocked on the door and I heard his voice.

"Enter." I opened it and went inside. I shut it and slammed against it, trying to catch my breath. He looked at me. I walked up to him and kissed him, better than I kissed Harry. He picked me up and carried me to the bed. He laid my down and crawled on top of me. He kissed me, I rolled him over and laid on top of him. He saw the necklace and gave me a stern look of confusion.

"I have to tell you something," I rolled off of him and sat up. "I need to to let me explain and hear me out." I looked at him and he nodded. "Harry and I kissed and he told me he loves me and I don't know if I love him but I know that I'm in love with you and he and I are sort of a couple now and I feel horrible because I want you but I like him and-" He turned me to face him.

"You and Potter kissed." I nodded. "You like him but you're in love with me." I looked down and blushed. "You two are a couple?" I nodded again. He started to chuckle and I looked up. "You two are a couple," he turned me around and pulled me so I was laying my back against his chest. "but you and I are soul mates. Trust me. I'm not mad, you told me the truth and I am truly thankful for that. The necklace is pretty and it looks beautiful on you. Potter actually has taste, hopefully he keeps his taste on something other than ravishing you," He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer, whispering in my ear. "because if I find out that he fucked you first, there might be a problem." I gasped and felt his lips against my neck. I titled my head up and he kissed me. He laid down and pulled me on top of him. I laid my head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat. I ended up falling asleep.

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