16 November 2014

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Morning guys!!! so i woke up pretty early coz last night i slept pretty early we have to go to church soon though, so this is gonna be quick.. so i had another dream, this time, not about Hayden, but about Gavin, a guy from my primary school. Heaps of people in my primary school liked me, heaps asked me out. this one guy even came up to me while i was reading a book in class, "your pretty" he said, i looked up from my book and he scrambled and got a pad of smiley face stickers and said, " i was talking to the stickers" it was pretty funny, but yeah...
My dream went like this
It was a dark gloomy day, it was raining, i got to my sisters school, with around 20 minutes left before the home time bell goes. i saw my best friend Shian, and ran up to her, her along with most of my frieends from primary go to a private school. then gavin came up to us. it was raining, so we walked up to a shelter that had some tables. gavin sat on one and shian, sat on the floor, i was getting really cold, as they had blazers and all i had was a shirt, i left my jumper at school... i found my self sitting on the table with gavin, i had my head leaning on his shoulder, and he tensed up. oh one thing i should probably have told you about gavin, last year in camp, me and my friend Kristie, sat behind him and Ashton, gavins friend, we would annoy them and vice versa, they were using his iPhone, and i snatched it off him, of course being the good girl i am ( heheheh) i asked if i could use it, "sure just dont go on notes" i jut have to do what im told not to, so i go on notes, and i read through it, well it was my friends idea to read through it, we started giggling, and he realised what was happening, and took the phone away from us. " Why dont you want us to read it?" kristie asked. she nagged him to see "fine" gavin said with a sigh, "but only kristie and ashton "what about me?!" i knew it was about me, i sorta got a clue ages ago that he liked me, i was actually starting to, but nah... he wrote these things and gave it to Kristie, she showed me! and heres what it said.
' I like Karissa, ok, shes pretty, smart, fun, and yeah ok, dont tell her!'
I guess i just got consious, i dont know why though, " when are you going to ask her out?" kristie asked dammit kristie... why? i actually hated it when people asked me out, if they were ok, i would be soo tempted to say yes... but i cant... mums rules!
But anyway back to my dream...
I started rubbing his shoulder " are you ok?"
" Yeah... um i uh i have t to go.." he stammered, getting up shian just stared at me " he still likes you you know" then i woke up
I know he probably doesnt like me anymore... i mean we got to different schools! there are way better girls for him.

So, i'm back from church, we have to do a christmas presentation, and i have to do a solo for singing!!! I am soo nervous but anyway, i am just so pissed off that my parents, woun't let me get a damn phone, that i'm willing to pay for. I had a phone, but lost it in a tragic incident with water and pools, I thought, why not use the money, that my dad gives me at the end of the year. every award we get in school, or anywhere actually, we would get our grade times ten, so now im in year 7 i get $ 70 every award, my dad has to give me $702, i have been using some of it, it means, i only need $300 more dollars to get an iPhone 6, with 64gb, i only need a $100 if i want the 16gb. I need a phone though, i can't just resort to using my mums phone all the time, or my laptop, or my iPod, I need a personal phone. I've actually had a phone since year 1, it upgraded from a small nokia to an iPhone 4s, which is the one that i brought to wet n wild, in a 'waterproof case' only to have it wet and unfortunately die... :(

Well i'm sitting here now... eating carrot and celery sticks with hummus. I've been trying to be real healthy lately, i eat less food, as whenever i eat alot now, i feel sick, is that normal in a growing body? ummm i don't know.

The rest of the day, i just cleaned up my room because i was annoyed, and we went out for a walk. I promised to my self that from now on i will not swear, I mean i will not say a swear word, I can think about it or right it down, but i will not say it... yeah.. ok

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