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Thank you for clicking on Road to Elemental Peace Book 1: Fire and Water. This is my first Wattpad book so, enjoy!

Inferna raced over the woods on her dragon-sized phoenix , eager to get home after a long, tiring, boring day of lessons. Suddenly, she saw the Castle of The Sun in full view and imagined herself ruling over the kingdom, recreating it into a perfect Utopia . 

When Inferna heard the royal advisor's voice talking to her as she landed.

"Princess Inferna. The king and queen request for your presence in the throne room," he informed her.

"Tell them I will be there in five minutes," she said. And with that, she ran to her room. When she got to her room, she bathed and changed into a white and yellow  long-sleeved dress and put  her  tiara on her flowing red hair, speed walking to the throne room.

The throne room was a stone-bricked 150-foot high room with a 25×50 metre long floor. It had two windows at its sides and banners all around and finally, there was a red carpet leading from the doors which two guards were standing behind to three thrones where two people sat, talking.

"We have to tell her."

"Isn't it too soon?" Queen Synthia asked.

"No. If we do not tell her now, we will never get the chance," King Darius said.

"Tell me what?" A voice asked. They turned to see Infena walking towards them. When she got there, the king motioned for her to sit down. After she was seated, the king and queen turned to her and spoke to her in a serious voice.

Darius said,"Inferna, we thought 17 years was old enough for you to know that...". There was a brief silence.

"That?" Inferna said.

"The  reason we didn't take you to the Place of Balance isn't because it's the cause of the war. It doesn't even have anything to do with the war. The actual reason we didn't take you there is that it was poisoned. The poison is still there, affecting the water," he explained. "We know you've been practicing fighting with your powers and we have a plan to save our realm. We had the royal sorcerer prepare a portal which takes you to the boarder between our kingdom and the water kingdom."

"Why can't I go farther?" she asked.

"Fire magic can only exist in this kingdom. Just as water, air and earth can only exist in their respective kingdoms. Unless they are in a solid or liquid form," Synthia replied.

"Why do I have to go?" Inferna questioned.

Darius answered,"We've tried sending other people through but every time they jump through, they always land back here. And also Willuis, the sorcerer claims you're the only person who can land on the other side, since you have both royal blood and you're under 30. Your brother was a candidate but he's really... retarded. Now go change. You have a journey ahead of you." Inferna walked out of the throne room to her own room to change.

An hour later, she was ready. She had changed into a less royal brown dress with leather boots and had tied her hair up in a bun. She slung her bag over her shoulder and started walking towards the portal. When she got there, her parents turned to her and said,"You have to pass through all of the elemental kingdoms before you can reach there and you're already in the fire kingdom. And one more thing. Good luck and be careful."

"Thank you for everything," she said before jumping through the portal.

The first thing Inferna noticed after she reached the other side of the portal was she was airborne, falling to the ground at an incredible speed. She quickly summoned her fire to slow her fall but only a weak flame came out of her hands.

Then realization hit her; she was at the coast, so her powers worked partly. But at least it slowed down her fall a little. Next, she felt twigs and weak branches break under her weight. Then she hit the ground, back first with leaves and twigs in her hair. She stood up to brush the dust and tree parts (leaves and twigs) off her.

Inferna looked up to see the sun was in the middle of the sky. That was confusing. When she jumped through the portal, the sun was setting.

She pulled out a map and studied it for a little while. Then she started trekking forward to the other side of the border to what she hated the most; water.

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The Elemental Series : Book 1 Fire and WaterWhere stories live. Discover now