[ seven ]

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"hello, y/n here! it's been two years since i first started vlogging and if you kept track of how many i've done, this would be my seventh vlog," you squealed, fists raised and shaking in celebration.

you continued, "as most of you already know, my vlogs focus on places or events that mean a whole lot to me." you began vlogging to capture the moments when you were happiest and when you recalled memories while making new ones. but you had another reason; one that none of your subscribers knew about — yoongi. yoongi was your other reason. when he couldn't follow you around on your best days, you filmed yourself and publicised it so yoongi could see you just like you could see him through music videos and performances.

"with that, i am proud to share that this seventh vlog will be focused on a group of seven who hold a special place in my heart," you dragged on and finally beamed, "it's bangtan!"

"technically," you added, "the content's more on bighit but bangtan's part of bighit so it's still focused on them."

you explained how you contacted bighit for permission to enter the building and mindfully film the company. although, what actually happened was that bang pd had called you in one fine day and requested that you filmed a tour of the entertainment. but telling your subscribers that would spark some ideas in their heads.

"it's now, uh, nine in the morning," you stated after glancing down at your watch. approaching the entrance, you angled the camera such that it could capture a full view of the entire building, including daeheon who was standing still, carrying out his eventful duty.

daeheon was surprisingly amazing at acting. he pretended not to know you and acted passive at first, as he would to any other stranger. to the people passing by, they probably thought he was doing his job really well — but you knew he was cracking up on the inside.

as you panned the camera towards daeheon, you mentally set a reminder to edit hearts around him to make it seem like your usual self who fangirls over cute boys, which really reaches out to most of your viewers.

"let's go in!" you grinned into the camera, pushing the door open to reveal the ground level of bighit entertainment. you've been there several times before but now that you were filming every nook and cranny of the building, you realised how expensive everything must have cost.

you focused the camera on the art display in the lobby — an intricate pattern of yellow paper boats that stretched across three walls. "that's cool," you whispered into the microphone attached to your shirt.

you walked around, loudly wondering if there was an elevator that you could take to the other levels of the building, as though it was your first time there. when you spotted an elevator, you cheered and rushed towards it, quickly pressing the 'up' button as you soak in the familiar flowery scent of the lobby.

the elevator doors smoothly opened for you to enter and you find yourself gawking at the spacious block. "this lift is huge," you squeak, filming your index select the highest floor of the building.

the doors began to close and this time a different scent hit you — one that you've found yourself accustomed to... one that you knew was not radiating off the elevator walls but from a certain somebody.

suddenly, a pale and veiny hand slipped between the doors, stopping them from fully closing. as the doors spread apart once again, the camera slowly adjusted to the light and finally set its focus to a gorgeous face that belonged to no other than min yoongi.

a/n ;

kinda forgot this existed sorry :(

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