Chapter 1

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Your P.O.V

I'm being carried by this weird skeleton. He just picked me up bridal style, and now we are going to a portal or somthing. How did i end up in this mess? Oh right! Now i remember....

{ one hour before }

'Should i really get some help? I mean... it wouldn't be so bad right? I mean... i do need help with these...memorize...' Those are the thoughs in my head right now. When i was 11 something terrible happened. But i rather not think about it now. After the thing that happened, i haven't get good sleep without terrible nightmare's. And sometimes i hallucinate things. So i really need some help. I just don't have the guts to open up. Oh well.... i still have to go to the town. I should just walk. It's only 5 miles.

{ 30 minutes later }

'Yaay! I'm in the town!' I though to myself sarcastilly (? Is that how you spell it ?). But something is off. Wait... why is everyone running like it's the end of the world?!

third person P.O.V

Y/n L/n... the sweet tall/short (don't matter are you short or tall, still shorter than sanses!😉) girl... innocently watching everyone running like it's the end of the world. And for some reason...she feels...somewhat happy. Not because everyone is running like it's the end of the world.... not because some random skeletons are killing others... 'wait...WAIT WHAT?!?! SKELETON'S?!??!? AM I HALLUCINATING AGAIN? No... no i'm not... it would be about that but still...' Those are her thoughs right now, before she sees axe in her throat.

Horror's P.O.V (Didn't see that coming, did cha? They did my past self...they did)

I was destroying Undertale's surface with Error, Nightmare, Dust and Killer, when i see a 16-17 years old girl. Her h/l, h/c hair looks so beau- WAIT WHAT?! NO NO NO! BAD HORROR! I mentally slap myself. I pick up my axe from the ground and put it in the girl's throat. The girl looks at the axe and then up at me. (Horror was behind you so you looked straight to the sky, but because Horror was taller than you, you see Horror.

"H-hello..." She says. Wow...her voice is so beautiful. And her e/c eyes... wonderful... i can't kill this girl! She is too cute!

"Why aren't you scared?" I managed to say. She looked confiused for a moment before remembering that i am holding axe in her throat.

"Well... i would die anyways to oldness if not to something else you know. And my name is Y/n!" She said.
"My name is Horror..." I couldn't help it! I put my axe to ground and hug her behind. She seems suprised, but got over it quickly. I rest my head to hers, and for some reason... i got the feeling, that i have to protect her.

"Horror...why aren't you killing that human?" Dust asks. And after that Nightmare,Error and Killer are also staring at me and this beautiful angel.

"Just look at this beautiful angel! I can not kill her!" She blushes at my words making her look even more adorable. I can see them blushing as well to her cute reaction.

"Then i'm killing her!" Dust said. I gasp.

"NO WAY! I'M KEEPING HER!" I yell. Everyone seems to be suprised because of my sudden action. Nightmare looks at Y/n's beautiful e/c eyes with a little bit dark blue blush on his cheeks bones.

"Fine...we can keep her" Everyone seems to be suprised, even me, but that dosen't matter! I pick her up bridal style and Nightamre makes portal to our base, or so called 'Nightmare's castle'

Your P.O.V

Yea... that's how i ended up in this scene.

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