Levi x bullied reader ⚠️❌

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"Tomarrow is the trip so you need The form which is in you back pack you can turn it in today and I already did the bags because I know you and you'll forget." Levi says about the class trip to Hawaii for the seniors "what about my-" "sunglasses money sunscreen books....I got it." He says i smile dating the most rebellious person in the school is a hassle but the fact he loves organization and neatness is everything. A pair of Lips touch mine I kiss him
Back we e pull away the bell rings "I'll see you in class I love you." He says i nod he brushed his thumb across my lips "I love you too." I say he smile and p via my lips and then walks off I sigh leaning against the lockers  "move bitch." I turn seeing Kenny akermans levis step brother the bully of the school "s-sorry." I say and begin to walk off he grabs my arm pulling me back and against the lockers by neck "ah." "You May be Levi's little slut but you...," he lifts me chocking me "Ah S-stop." I gasp "the things I did to you and you havnt said a word that's loyalty" "Agk y-you raped m-me" I say struggling he leans into me tears streaming down my face he moves to my ear "you came." He says "no n-no you t-tied me down b-beat me...-" "I made you cum harder than Levi ever could." His grip getting harder I begin to see black spots "p-please let m-me.....go" he chuckles "suck a loyal pawn....And yet so disposable." He says his nails dig into my neck side I begin to black out he lets go I fall to the ground I cough holding my neck in pain he bends down to me lifting my chin "say hi to my brother for me hm." he says and then walks off

i walk up to everyone who meets at the front of the school for the bus ride to the air port "hey where were you. you left school yesterday." levi says placing his hand on my cheek "why are you wearing a turtle neck you hte those." "all my stuff is in my bags." i say and walk placing my stuff with the others i give the teacher the slip "y/n is everything okay" levi say "yeah fine." I say and walk onto the bus
I see Levi bro hug his brother who arrived Kenny waves to me I look away

We walk into the lobby of the amazing hotel "alright everyone we'll be here till Monday that's 10 days make the count the respetionists have you card and you know you room mates" the class president says we walk up to the desk getting out cards listen "hey y/' isn't this gonna be fun we're roomies." Petra says "yeah tottaly." I say she smiles and giggle "hey Petra." I hear Levi oh no "l-Levi hi thats me" she giggles Petra has had a crush on levi for as I've known her "why don't you trade rooms with me hmm." He says "oh but it's supposed to be..." he walks up to her closely her face turns red "I won't tell if you don't." He says and taps her nose lightly "yeah of course" she trades key cards with him "your rooming with with Connie." He says she nods and walks off "so this is gonna be fun huh?" He says I grab my bags and walk off "hey y/n babe." He says

I walk into the room and put my stuff in the drawers I feel arms around my waist As Levi kisses my cheek "there's a room all to our selves." He says I pull away he sighs "y/n . What's wrong." He says "nothing." I say "did I do something!?" He says "no you didn't." I say walking back to the dresser placing more stuff in "Becuase if I did I want to make it up I would never hurt you." He says I slam my hand on the side I stop freezing as tears begin to run down my cheeks "y/n." He says walking up to me he turns me around and pulls be into him his arms wrapping around "it's okay." He says I Cry "you know that if anything is wrong you can tell me" he says I nod "wanna tell Me now." He asks I shake my head "y/n." He say "I- I can't." I say he nods and kisses my fore head "okay." He says

Time skip a few days I stand in the bathroom in my swim suit bikini looking in the mirror Levi walks and then stops leaning against the door frame "wow." He says I look over at him and then at the ground he chuckles "Levi...." I say he walks up to me wrapping his arms around me "I like it and I sure the others will as well so..." he says and grabs my cover and places it over me I giggle "there." He says i smile "come on." He says

I watch Levi play volleyball with some of the guys I sit on my towel next to mikassa and Petra "Ah I'm thirsty I'm gonna go get a drink." Mikasa says "I'll get it for you." I say "you sure." She says "yeah it's no bother Petra you want anything?" I ask "um yes virgin pina colata." She says "oh get that for me too" Mikasa says i nod and walk off

I go up the bartender and tell him he nods and says someone will bring it to us I nod and thank him I turn and bump into someone "oh sorry I-" I look up seeing Kenny "excuse me." I say and walk off back to the girls "Someone will bring it over I'll be back I left my sunscreen in the room I say they nod I walk off

I walk through the halls back to the beach as someone grabs me "Ah-" "just us hmm." Kenny says "why did you follow me" I say and stuggle "just us me you round two hmm." He says "no! Get off of me." I say "finally fighting back I see." He says and chocked me I gag "shut the fuck up I saw you out there asking for guys to awe over you." He says "gah n-no." I say hits me against the wall and moves his hand down under my cover "n-no.! Please l....let me...." his hand touches me under my suit tears stream down my face "S-...stop..." I say and sob his hand tightlens around my neck my breath begins to leave "so easy." He says in my ear "HEY!" I hear faintly Kenny lets go of me I fall to the ground Kenny does as well "WHAT THE FUCK!" Levi yells and punches Kenny again I cough "it was her caught dick head!" Kenny yells back "IT WAS HER FAULT THAT YOU WERE CHOCKING HER AND ...." he kicks him "l-Levi..." I say he turns to me and comes over to me pulling me into his arms "hey hey it's okay are you alright ." He says I cry he holds me to Kenny sits up wiping his lil off Levi get up going over to him "brother come on you don't belive me!" He says "you are not my brother! AND IF YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH HER AGAIN! I will Fucking KILL YOU!" Levi yells at him Kenny gets up Levi pushes him back "Fuck off!" Kenny glares ar me and the at Levi and walks off

Levi cleans off the brusies forming on my neck i flinch "sorry." He says i nod he sighs placing the clothe down and begins to walk out of the bathroom "Levi." I say he stops and turns "I'm sorry." I say and look down "hey no no no do t you dare be sorry for that it is not your fault!" He says and walks up to me "I should've told you." "You didn't...told me what?" He says tears run down my cheek "love." He says place of his hands on my cheeks softly "wh-when you um ...went to japan .and I took care Hanji..." I say referring to when he went to Japan for a trip with his dad and I took care of his dog Hanji "y/n..." he says "the week before you came home I was in the hospital and I didn't tell you Becuase you'd be mad." I say andbegin to cry "y/n hey it's okay..." he says "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything ....h-he held me down...and I—was tied.down he beat me I couldn't..." he pulls me into him hugging me "he raped you." He says i nod "he hurt you and I'm sorry I never should've left .... I promise that this trip I will not leave your side and when we get back I'm going to do something ajbout it okay." He says nod he kisses me hair "I love you I always will and it's not your fault" I say "I love you too."

Levi x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now