Levi x reader

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(Reader saves levi)


I sit on the side of a rock looking into the flames of the camp fire someone sits next to me placing a blanket around me "are you alright." His stern flat voice fills my ears I blink losing focus from the fore I frown "w-why would you ask that." I say "y/n." Levi says "that was so much worse that a field mission I just must've well been a 1 v 1 where the female titan was cheating more than half of us are dead your hurt....and eren ...Eren is fucking useless!" I say leaning forward my head down "that's life on the squad you should know that you've here as long as I have." "I'm not like you I have feelings ....I smile when I'm happy and cry when I'm sad I want to punch people when I'm angry and ignore them when annoyed "tomarrow will be different" he says I get up "will it." I say giving him the blanket and walk off

We ride to the wall as it's trashed smoke rises from the other side and faint screams are hear i get off my horse and put on my gear "Listen up! Erwin y/n and I will form ranks with pixis on the wall Hanjis team will go down and do active work indeed-" I shoot up twoards the wall "Y/n!" I hear I ignore him and climb up I walk down "pixis." I say "corporal y/n where's your team." "They're coming" I say I hear gear foot steps I sigh and walk off "what the hell is wrong with you." Levi says grabbing my arm I pull back as soon as he touches me I look back him he sighs I continue

I tans with my team "Levi we cant get them two are dead ones injured they're coming in fast than we can kill." Hanji says I take out my sword "y/n no" "my team is going whether you like it or not levi if I die now at least I'll die for humanity" I say and jump down along with my team


"ah fuck!" I curse and follow her they scatter in formation my team does as well I move side killing two or three titans with ease I land on a roof and wince i. Pain at my ankle I haven't told Hanji about it "Ah..." I shake it off "Levi you should be out here." Y/n says landing next to me ""neither should you!" I say "I'm not the one who's fighting with a broken ankle!" She says there's an explosion "Move!" I pull I'm her into me I loose my balence as we both fall off the roof I catch us with my gear she let's go using her gear "and going on the ground I I follow "I don't need you baby sitting me all the time I'm fine levi" "no your not your hurting" "IM HURTING BECUASE YOU DIDNT DO SHIT TO HELP THEM!!!! YOU SAT BUY IN YOUR GOLDEN PALCE AND WATCH THEM DIE YOU STOOD BEHIND THE WALLS WHILE CHILDREN,FAMILYS , ELDERLY AND PREGNANT WOMEN DIED IN FRONT OF YOU AND YOU HAVENT DONE A SIGNE FUCKING THING TO SAVE THEM YOU SELFISH MOTHER FUCKER!" She yells at me "I DID SO TO PROTECT OUR TROOPS!" I yell back "WE HAVE TROOPS BECUASE WE PROTECT THE PEOPLE WITH OUT THEM WE HAVE NOONE!........don't be a dick and stand up for your others."she says and goes off

I fight titans the things y/b said to me run and replay through my mind over and over gym line is grab as I'm pulled back "Fuck!" I hit a wall and fall to the ground "gah." I hold my shoulder I grab my grips and use the the sputter I look down seeing the lines snapped I get up seeing the ugly beat walking over "COME KN YOU FUCKER JUST BECUASE MY GEAR DOSNT WORK DOESNT MEAN I CANT TAKE YOU DOWN!" I yell pulling out new blade it reaches It reaches down I slice it and hits me back to the ground harder than before it reaches down drooling and smiling I try to get up but a sharp pain shoots through my sides "gah!" I flinch holding my ribs "fuck." A shadow of the hand is cast over me "LEVI!" I hear I look over seeing y/n she goes to me and lands infront of me her arms out to the side blocking me "NO!" She yells at the Titan the hand continues to move forward to grab her "Y/n what are you." "I SAID NO!" She screams at it it stops "DONT TOUCH HIM!" She yells the hand continues and slices the fingers off it pulls back and roars at her "YOU HAVE TO KILL ME TO KILL THE THING I LOVE SO NO!" It roars again "GO!" She says the Titan turns and goes off "argh ...y/n." I say and stand she turns to me gripping her swords and runs to me hugging me sobbing "I hug her back "are you alright." She says "how did you- agh" I wince she pulls back "come on let get you to hanji" she says

I sit on the side as Hanji fixes me "okay there you should be fine." She says and walks off y/n sighs leaning against the table "what?" I say "nothing." She says "would you like to tell me about what you said." I say she crosses her arms and looks away I chuckle "okay then." I say and stand "h-hey" she says  coming over to me "I'll make you then." I say looking   Over her "well." I say and lift her chin "you said you loved me." I say she huffs "all this time of me confessions to you and I get shit for it but now finnaly after tucking months you finnaly admit to-" she cuts me off my kissing me I pull her in kissing her back we pull away "you make it obvisous to anyone next time I will let you die got it." She says I chuckle "you may be a stubborn brat but you my stubborn brat." I say "Ah...mm" she says her face turning pink "shut up." She says I pull her back into me kissing her again she kisses me back

Levi x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now