Chapter 2

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This story will not be rewrite of YJ with Percy having one or two lines and contributing to fights. Some events will change, some fights that were lost will be won, some fights won will be lost. I will greatly change the plot on many different points. Also, Percy will not stay with JLA or The Team immediately nor join the Light ever.

Undisclosed Location
24th of July, 13:44

In the dark chamber seven outlines of figures appeared on screens. To make sure nobody recognized them images of silhouettes were blurred. Before them stood a slender woman, about 5'6". Her face was hidden behind porcelain Cheshire cat mask. She wore dark-green kimono, but there were traces of some armor underneath.

"Sports master has failed us. We must make sure that this mission goes smoothly and without trouble." One of the figures spoke, but his voice was deformed by some tech. The video of boy punching Aquaman and then another with him drowning the whole league appeared.

"Today morning we detected an anomaly in small town named Amnesty bay. Not even an hour later close to the location someone took an entire Justice League and managed to stall them long enough to make an escape. We tracked him to Long Island. This boy is definitely strong and has some level of aquakinesis. There is also no mention of him in any database around the world."

"We want you to capture him and bring him to Cadmus B. He might be powerful asset. It's important that he doesn't fall into league's hand. Terminate if necessary and recover the body. Any additional information will be given on your way there."

Behind the mask Cheshire smiled. Finally, she had chance to show that she was better than her father.

Long Island
24th of July, 15:10

Percy sat on the Half-Blood hill, or rather was half-blood hill in his world. Riptide was plunged into the tree all up to the hilt and used as peg to put the bag on. This was not Thalia's Pine, but rather some random tree somebody planted here. Percy used his jacket as impromptu blanket on which he sat on, overlooking the valley. Being honest, Percy had no idea what made him come to this place. It was just an instinct. While running from his pursuers, he willed the tides to take him somewhere safe. He did not have any place in particular, but subconsciously wanted to go home, the one place where he could be himself. But there was no such place here. This was a brave new world for him to explore.

He bought himself a small laptop at nearby store and "senior's guide to computer and internet". At first the cashier gave him a weird look, but he quickly explained that this is a gift for his grandma's b-day. What teenager would admit that he never used computer in the first place. Right now, he was learning the theory about using computers while enjoying the summer. Apparently, his dyslexia was left in the previous world. It was strange to him to be able to read English without any trouble. Everything was strange. Air in this world seemed overloaded with power. The longer he stayed here, the stronger he felt. The feeling was a bit similar to sitting on his father's throne, except the power recognized him this time and instead of threatening to vaporize him it accepted him. When he first touched the water, he felt more energized than usually, but now even outside of water he still was more energized.

He tried reading the book some more, but his ADHD was acting up. After closing the book and packing his things up, he went to retrieve Riptide and the bag, but just then he felt some other presence nearby. Thanks Hades blessing he could feel other living near him. No rising dead or shadow traveling, but life-sense and there was the fact that shadows seemed to be pulled to him, allowing him to hide better. He tensed, knowing that he is watched, but decided to play along. He took the bag and pulled riptide out of the tree. With demi-god reflex he turned around just in time to deflect three poisoned darts shot at him from unknown direction.

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