chapter one

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They all sat in a circle, playing video games and laughing with each-other. Sekinah was indeed happy to be playing games with her friends and family. Sekinah is still in college currently and is having a great time with her family and friends because she's no longer working. College is ending soon.

While they all played, you could see Habiba - her sister - by the door. Was Habiba speaking to someone? Sekinah excused herself and walked to the door, where she honestly regretted it. He was here, him of all people.

"Hi Seki." Sekinah gagged, she hated him. He put her in trouble when she started hanging out with him in secondary school.

"What do you want Hasan?" from her peripheral view, she could see Habiba smile. She smacked Habiba on the hand and gestured for her to join the rest of the family. Sekinah had a huge family, but she was close with her cousins and her elder sister - Ramah - and her, younger sister who you have already been introduced to.

Habiba stuck her tongue out at Sekinah and ran back to the family. Sekinah sighed, closed the door and stood outside with the one she hated the most.

"Hasan, why are you here?"

Hasan looked amused, he let out a chuckle. Sekinah looked at him carefully, he had changed in appearance. He was no longer the thin, rat-looking kid again. He had hair that was grown out with yellow tips, his brown eyes gave a wave of warmness and the smile he gave Sekinah made her look away.

Hasan eyed her, looking at her up and down with a hand on his chin. "I missed you,"

Now, say what?

Sekinah looked around hoping her parents weren't around. Sekinah was a good girl in secondary school, but all of a sudden, she started hanging out with Hasan and his crew which ruined her. Hasan would climb the fence to get out of school, he disrespected teachers, and Sekinah - back then - thought he was amazing.

When Sekinah stated hanging out with him, she too always started disrespecting teachers etc. Her parents had warned her to stay away from Hasan and Sekinah got punished for a month because she followed his ways.

"Ha, Hasan, you can't miss me. You of all people should know that,"

Hasan shrugged, he smiled again, giving Sekinah goosebumps. He had always been a charmer. Hasan looked at her house and stepped forward, he was now only an inch away from Sekinah.

Sekinah tried to push him back, but he was strongly put in place. He moved to her ear and whispered,

"You can't you don't miss me too. You like me,"

Sekinah looked at him in awe. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and sighed.


His eyes glowed at the sound of his name. He stepped back. Sekinah could finally breathe. She laughed when she met his eye,

"What was that?"

As if they had heard, Sekinah's parents stepped out. Sekinah's eyes went wide with surprise and she could now see the hint of anger in her parents eyes.


That's it for chap one, sorry it's short I have important business to attend to.

Bye lovelies,

Truly Nafisah.

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