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Averys POV

When I walked in everyone was staring at me. I felt a little uncomfortable with so many eyes on me.

"Okay, you can look somewhere else now." I said setting my bag of clothes and my backpack on the side.

"No thanks, I like what I see." Mattia said. He got up and gave me a hug from behind and I put my hands on his giving them a little squeeze.

"Okay so if you guys are gonna do it please go to the bathroom and turn the water on because I don't want to be scarred for life." Alvaro said looking at us from the floor. As if I'd ever do such a thing with so many people in the room.

The rest of the time we all played party games and went live on tiktok.

It was the same account from before saying dumb shit about me and Mattia. They even had to bring up my ex. Like I'm honestly so shocked at how much they know.

@randomuser: it's sad to know you were dumb enough date someone who would cheat on you 🌚

"It's sad to know that you're hating behind a screen." I responded to that while eating popcorn.

"Someone comment their user so I can block. I won't tolerate any disrespect toward Avery or any of us. You have to understand that we're going to have relationships and you should respect them. You're not real fans if you don't." Mattia said looking through the comments to block the hater. I honestly didn't care but it was cute to see how protective he was getting.

"You call Av dumb again and a rat is gonna get you." Kairi said from the corner of the room. We all laughed at his randomness and ended the live.

"Guys we start school in five hours. I'm gonna go cry in a hole." I said.

"I hate that place" Mattia said making a stank face and so did Ale.

"Well I'm gonna brush my teeth then go to sleep." I got up from one of the mattresses from the floor and got my things ready.

After brushing my teeth all the mattresses on the floor were being taken up by the boys and the only thing left was sleeping with Mattia on his bed.

"Part two from last night?" He asked.

"The kissing or the cuddling?" I got in bed next to him and faced him.

"I was thinking both." He licked his lips and arched an eyebrow. I'm only 15. I'm too young to be a mom. Oh god.

"uh- " He leaned in and crashed his lips on mine. I put my hands in his hair and twirled it around my fingers gently pulling on it as we kiss. His left hand was on the lower part of my back, while his right was supporting him.

He got on top of me not breaking the kiss.

"Woah slow down." I broke away. He was still on top of me now caressing my hair.

"I wasn't gonna start anything. Just continue to kiss you." he pouted.

"I know but this scares me a little. You know one thing could lead to another then I'm your baby mama, trust me it'll happen." I said getting back on my side and he did too.

"We should just fast forward to ten years from now and watch you guys getting married." Ale said from the dark.

"Shut up." Mattia said throwing a pillow at him.

"Oh Ale could you throw that back please I need it." I said sitting up. He threw it back but I couldn't see because it was dark. I took a hit to the face.

"Alright let's go to sleep now." Mattia said bringing me in closer to him. He relaxed his breathing and I had my head up against his chest listening to his heartbeat. The steady beat helped me fall asleep.

"Goodnight Mattia." I gave him a kiss before I drifted off to sleep and hugged him tighter.

short chapter i know but i felt bad for not updating yesterday. I started this a couple hours ago but i had to go to the hospital with my nephew. everything is fine now.
i also work tomorrow and won't be getting home til late so maybe no update tomorrow.

goodnight 💜 and i hope you liked this short chapter.

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