Fun in the shower

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I sit waiting in my bedroom, waiting for the man who is supposed to come in and have his way with me. I wait on the floor completely naked on my knees and naked with my legs wide open and my hands on my head. I face away from the door to add suspense to the scene. He said he would be here any minute and I can't wait for him to see me in the position he asked me to be in. I left the door unlocked so he could walk right in and get to business. He told me he was bringing all kinds of toys and playthings that belong in a bdsm scene like this. I just hope he can satisfy my kink. I have lots of kinks and scenes that I have done and there is still so many that I want to do. We talked for weeks about a scene that I have wanted to try out. I have never done it before but I have prepared for it. I have the cuffs and collar hung in the shower, I have done a anal cleansing, and I have laid out a big thing of lube. On the bed I have a blindfold and an open mouth gag that can attach to the tube that is in the bathroom. I have a couple bottles of water laid out as well for him to drink since we are doing a watersport scene. Finally I hear footsteps so I quickly put my head down and look at the floor. I stay in position as he walks into the room. I hear him drop a bag full of toys and assortments.

"Look at you sitting like I told you, such a good little slut" he says in a deep and husky voice.

"Thank you Sir" I say back.

He walks behind me and bends down to grab and squeeze my breasts hard. He twists and pinches my nipples causing me to arch my back. He brings his hands up to my throat and squeezes it, holding it with a firm and strong grip. He holds it so strong it makes my pussy wet with need.

"What do you plan on doing to me Sir?" my voice dripping with excitement.

"Just wait and find out. Did you ask permission to speak freely?" he growled at me.

"No Sir."

"Well looks like I am going to have to go off from a plans for a quick punishment to teach you a lesson about asking for permission to speak. Stand up and bend over the bed now! I am going to give you twenty spankings with a cane to ensure you got the message. Do not move or I will add five to the twenty that you already have. Understood?"

"Yes Sir"

I get up and bend over the bed like I was instructed. I'm hesitant about it but I still do it in fear of what might happen if I don't. He blindfolds me so that I don't know when he is going to swing. He puts the gag on me as well so I don't scream. Sir pulls something out of the bag he brought in, it is probably the cane he said he was going to spank me with. Canes are swift and the sting is quick and after a few your ass starts to heat up but they leave these beautiful purple strikes across your ass. I am thankful it's not a paddle because if it were I would be in some trouble. He swings the cane and it strikes my ass swiftly. I try to stay still as he continues to swing. He has done fifteen already and I don't know if I can stay still for much longer. He swings and it makes me scream for a minute. It's so painful and my ass is on fire but I know I can't move or else I'll receive more and more. I make it all the way to twenty and then he sits down on the bed next to me but I don't dare move. He bends down next to the bed and grabs some message oil and then takes off my blindfold but not my gag. He starts to message the oil on my ass and I whimper just a bit. I know these bruises from the cane are going to last for weeks. Sir finishes messaging the oil and then puts the bottle down.

"Stand up and go stand facing towards the wall over there so that I can admire the marks I have made. I want your hands on your head and your feet apart."

I get up and walk over to the far wall and stand as I was told. He goes back over to the bag and puts the cane up. Sir grabs a flogger out of the bag and stands a few inches behind me. He starts to pull his arm back and then swings and it produces a nice smack sound as the majority of it hits my ass and the remainder ends hits my pussy. I hate when someone whips my pussy because it is so sensitive and I hope he isn't planning to hit it to much. Sir smacks it a couple of times with the flogger and then lets out a deep growl when he hits my pussy with it for the sixth time. He must have seen me flinch. He puts the flogger down and then guides me to the bathroom. He smiles at what he sees I have set up. The first thing he reaches for is the lube and the plug I have left. The plug is pretty big in size. I wanted to lay one of the big ones out because I knew he would enjoy the whimpers and cries I would release as he shoved it into my asshole. He adds just a little bit of lube to the pug and then bends me over leaving my hands on the toilet lid. Sir caresses my ass for just a brief second and then rubs the plug around my anus. He starts of slowly putting in the tip of it and then all of a sudden shoves it so far deep in my asshole that the round part with the jewel is touching the outside of my asshole. The jewel round part is so wide it holds my cheeks apart just a little.

"Get in the shower and align yourself with the cuffs and collar you have put up for me. Stand there until I come back"

"Yes Sir"

I quickly get into the shower and make sure three times that I am directly in front of the collar and cuffs. Sir returns with a spreader bar and attaches it to my feet. One by one he starts cuffing and collaring me so that I stand up with my legs and arms spread wide. I can't move at all he has me exactly where he wants me, vulnerable. He places a stool in front of me and stands on it then he reaches and gives me a little lead on my collar, far enough to bend down. He quickly unzips he pants and strokes himself while getting down from the stool and puts his cock down my throat. He keeps fucking my throat fearlessly. I'm completely out of breath by the time he lets up but it's not over yet. He steps back up on the stool and tightens back up the chains. Running his hands up and down my body slowly reaching down to my pussy and shoving two fingers in hitting my g-spot with every stroke. Just as I am about to cum he stops and shoves his huge cock deep inside me until he cums inside. Afterwards he rubs it some more and then leaves the bathroom returning minutes later with two water bottles in his hands. After chugging down the first one he quickly finishes off the second one. I want to reach for his juicy cock but the chains are just too tight to reach. He stokes his cock to tease me because he saw me try and go for it but fail.

"I have to pee really bad do you want it slut? It's steamy hot and ready to come out and spray all over your whore body that belongs to me and only me. I don't even know why I am asking because your nothing but fuck me for me to do whatever I please with. Peeing on you and my whore body of yours is my way of showing ownership like a dog peeing on a pole. You belong underneath me just like a dog you dirty little slut. You live to serve me and my needs. Whenever I need to fuck you will run to me and offer up those tight holes without hesitation. You will not block me or try to stop me from doing what I please to my body."

"Yes Sir. Should I call you Master then?"

"I believe that would be very suitable. Now get ready to feel my hot steamy piss all over you. I'm going to pee on that pussy to because it is in every way mine."

He strokes his cock some more and then concentrates.

"Here it comes slut open your mouth as well your going to drink my pee."

"Yes Sir. I have laid out a tube that attaches to this gag just in case you were planning on peeing in my mouth it would make it easier for you."

"Thank you slut"

He grabs the tube and attaches it to my gag. He stands back up on the stool but climbs to the highest step on the stool putting his tip on the end and then laughs releasing the piss into the tube. When finished Master hangs it over the shower rack so that the piss won't come back out of the tube. Grabbing another bottle of water he chugs it down and then goes back to pissing but this time all over my body. The first thing he goes to pee on is my clit. He holds open my pussy lips while peeing hard on my clit and then backs up and pees on the rest of my body. I feel so slutty and dirty and my cheeks blush hard. I love how him peeing on me makes me feel like I am below him and I am worthless. He reaches for the chains again and gives me some lead to suck his cock to clean it off. Tightening the leads back up, he turns on the cold water and sprays me down. He gathers himself together and leaves the bathroom, leaving me naked and still chained up in the bathroom. I hear him rummage around and I think he is gathering his things. He walks back into the bathroom with his bag on his back completely put back together.

"I'm going to leave you here slut just like this and I am going to tell all of my guy friends, people on fet, and my kik contacts that your here chained up and helpless as well as completely naked and vulnerable. I'm posting your address as well so they know where to find you. As your master they are all allowed to come over and do as they please to your body and you will let them. I will return tomorrow and see how you've held up. I'm also setting up a camera and microphone in here that is connected to my phone so I can keep an eye on you so don't try and talk your way into getting them to let you go. See you tomorrow my slut"

And with that he walked out the door.

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