Outdoor play

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I am outside tied up for my little event I have planned for months. Its a little breezy but not too bad. I'm naked and tied up eagle spread of course, so that the three guests I have can get to all parts of me. I made this event an all things go kind of thing so that I can get some experience in. I have also let the mistress, and two dominants I have invited know that they can take pictures so that we can post them on our pages. The mistresses name is Mistress Julie. She is tall and skinny with tan skin and long blonde hair and today she is wearing latex black clothes. It is a really good look on her. The first dominants name is Caleb and he is experienced in bondage, edging, and humiliation. Then there is the second dominant, which is Jacob, he is experienced in impact play, sensation play, and corporal punishments. I picked people with a more sadistic side for a more pain play since I'm masochist. I am kind of nervous because I have never done an event nevermind outdoor play but on the other hand I am also excited. Caleb came with me to help set everything up and help tie me up so that we would be good to go when my other guests showed up. They should be here any minute. I agreed to Caleb playing with me while we were waiting on the others since he did help me set it up and organize it.

"I think we have everything ready. Are you ready to get started my little pain slut?" Caleb said.

"Yes Sir" I responded heavily.

"Good let's have some fun."

He walks over to the table and picks up a cat-o-nine tails and runs it through his hands grinning at me. I can't help but grin back because I know what he is thinking. I prepare myself for the blows that are about to hit my body. I've seen the pictures on Caleb's website. He doesn't just aim for the ass he gets everywhere, starting from the breasts down. While he is over at the table he also picks up some rope. Then he walks over to me and starts to tie my breasts in a very tight but intricate bondage. Once he is finished he stands back to admire his work that he has done. He seems very satisfied with his art he has created with the bondage. Next, he raises the hand with the cat-o-nine tails in it and then swings it hitting my breasts hard making me whimper and cry out. He swings for the second time but this time he swings and hits the top of my breasts and starts to work down to the bottom of my breasts and then back up again. I cry out every time he hits them. Finally he gets tired of mescreaming so he puts a gag on me so the screams aren't as loud and can't be heard. He continues to do this until they feel like they are so sore and about to burst. I look down and can see my breasts are bright red in some spots but are turning purple in other spots. Just as he is about to start on my back Mistress Julie and Dominant Jacob pull up to the spot where we are at. This doesn't cause him to stop or slow down. He doesn't even look in their direction. He swings and makes dark patterns on my back this time using a cane.

"Very nice work Caleb. These marks on her look absolutely stunning. They will be there for weeks I think if not a month." Mistress Julie says as she walks up to us.

"I think so too" says Dominant Jacob.

Caleb shakes his head yes and asks the two to join him in making my body a portrait of purple and blue. They each pick something off of the table and return to join Caleb. Mistress Julie has a flogger and Jacob has a bull whip. They each take turns hitting me with what they have in different parts of my body. I am sore all over and I don't think it's even close to being done. They switch out different implements and continues hitting my body for about twenty minutes. By the end my head can't even lift and I flinch every time they pull back their hand for another swing. I'm sobbing and soaked in tears from the pain but it feels so good. After a while everything went numb and just felt like heat warming up my body in the breezy weather.

"I think it's time we fill her holes. What do you guys think?" asks Caleb.

"Sounds good to me" replies Julie.

Jacob shakes his head in approval. Julie leaves to grab her strap on from out of her car. While she gets ready Jacob and Caleb start to strip.

"Who wants what hole of this slutty body?" asks Julie.

"I've got an idea. How about Julie you take the ass since you have on a strap on and she didn't clean out herself before the event. Caleb you can take her pussy and cum in it. And I will fuck her mouth. Let's untie her and then tie her back up with her knees spread and arms up with a open mouth gag on. Caleb she can ride you and Julie you can climb over Caleb's legs and then fuck her doggy style. She will be on her knees so I won't have any problem reaching her mouth." Jacob explains.

"Okay" replies Caleb and Julie.

They get me and themselves into position and then fuck me until my holes are raw and I'm dripping cum and drool. Caleb and Jacob both cum in me multiple times. Julie fucked my ass raw with no lube and clawed at my breasts and hair. When everyone was satisfied they cleaned up and hosed me down. I am very sore and very tired and can't wait to see how dark these bruises turn. Caleb takes me home but doesn't let me off easy. He makes me suck his cock the whole two hour drive back.

I hope you guys enjoyed my first two stories. I am probably not the best writer but I am trying. I'll have more coming up! I write these as they come into my head. They are my fantasies and yes some are nasty and crucial. Don't judge. I hope you guys have a merry Christmas with your friends and families! I am not sure if I will be posting another story tomorrow or not. I might we will see what comes to mind thanks a lot guys! Oh and in case I forgot to mention the website I keep talking about its called Fetlife and my profile is MasoJazzy check me out!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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