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Chris whimpered as the sun started to set. Ted would be arriving soon to pick him up. He was decked out his full outfit but had himself wrapped head to toe in his blanket as he sat on his bed. It wasn't too dreary a feeling but he was still unsure. 

He had already gotten Aiden back for ratting him out to Ted earlier, so he was somewhat satisfied. Mr. Foofy had even cuddled with him! Things definitely seemed to be looking up for him, he thought with a smile.

He heard the honk of Ted's car, and all of his newfound confidence vanished in an instant. His phone buzzed beside him on the bed and he looked at it for a moment before slowly pulling a hand out of the safety of the blanket to grab it.

Ted had texted him, that's all he needed to know. He set the phone down without even looking at the text, sighing a bit and hugging his knees. "I can't do this..." 

His phone started ringing moments later, making him jump slightly. He knew it was Ted, and so left the phone to ring. It went to voicemail and that's when he knew he was in for it. "Chris, get down here or you won't be a happy camper once I'm done with you."

The voicemail ended as Ted hung up and Chris was mortified. He grabbed fistfuls of his hair, panicking. "Oh God, I'm so dead..!"

Aiden barged in unannounced, the same unenthused look on his face. "Hey freak, Ted's outside waiting. He looks pissed, you should probably go before mom gets home and sees you looking like a skank."

Aiden smirked and chuckled a bit as he watched Chris freak out more. "You're stuck between a rock and a hard place right now, aren't you?" Aiden snickered and then walked out, sipping a banana juice box. 

"You aren't helping, prick!" Chris shouted, falling on his side and burying his face in the pillows. His phone started ringing again, and once again, he let it. It went to voicemail, and he sat up in surprise. "You don't have to go if you don't want to, I don't want to force you to do anything. I'm... I'm here for you, okay?"

The message ended, and Chris sat up, throwing the blanket off. "I can do this. He's a jerk sometimes but he will always be there for me." Chris smiled and grabbed his phone, brimming with confidence again.

"Stop talking to yourself, Freak!" Aiden yelled from his room.

Chris rolled his eyes but smiled a bit, soon heading out of the house. Ted got out of the car and walked over to the other side, opening the door to let Chris in. He was wearing a nice tux, which Chris didn't think made for good clubbing material, but he smiled still, getting into the car.

"You look amazing," Ted said wholeheartedly, closing the door once Chris was settled inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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