~Part 30~

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^the outfit above is what she wears in a part of this chapter c: (I made it on polyvore)
anyway, enjoy this chapter(:
Piper's P.O.V

I woke up and checked the time, I could already hear mum downstairs in the kitchen so I went to see her.

"good morning." she smiled, "what do you want for breakfast?"
"nothing." i sighed
"you have to eat something."
"no I don't."
"fine. but at the lunch you get a big meal okay?" she said
"maybe." i said

"why haven't you been eating much lately? it's been worrying me." she said
"I don't know. I guess when I wake up I'm never hungry."
"that's odd." she laughed
"yeah." i said

"well. get dressed and get ready. the lunch is at 12." mum said
"then why can't I get ready at, 11?"
"because we'll be leaving early!"

"FINE I'LL GET DRESSED." i said getting upstairs.

(piper puts on outfit above)

"PIPER WE ARE LEAVING." mum yelled
"OKAY IM READY." i said
"good, you wore something nice. now let's go." she said

we walked out the door and got into the car.

when we finally got there. we went to look for our table. we found it and no one was there yet.

"yeah sure mum, we not the first ones here." I laughed
"sorry! oh well, we're here now so sit!"

more people came, all family members. and I listened to music on my phone.
I looked up to the door, Ethan. with his parents and sister.

he looked at me sighing then continuing to follow his parents
"HEY PIPER!" Tahlia yelled
I waved

why did Ethan have to be here.
Ethan's P.O.V
I walked into the cafe, I saw piper sitting with lots of other people. she looked at me, making eye contact.

I couldn't look at her, although she was extremely beautiful, I just couldn't, after everything I did to her. I couldn't.

"HEY PIPER." Tahlia yelled waving at piper. she waved back, looking down at her phone.

"pipers here Ethan." Tahlia said when we found a table.
"I know." i said
"don't you want to say hi?"
Tahlia didn't know we broke up, neither did my parents.
"she seems busy. I'll talk to her on Monday." I lied

"maybe we should invite piper to sit with us?" mum suggested
"no! she's with her family, just let her stay with them." i said
"okay.... whenever you want to go see her, you go ethan." mum said
I sighed.

I really wish I could just go up to her and apologise to her, and hug her and tell her I loved her. but I couldn't, something was holding me back.

my feelings for her were making me feel mixed up and I was scared. I can't even remember what it was like to hug her.

I miss her, I miss everything we did together. but I just wished she never kissed Chris.
Pipers P.O.V

"oh piper! Ethan's here why don't you go talk to him?" mum suggested
"he seems busy. I'd much rather spend time with you guys!" I sighed
"well okay then. I'd except you to go see him but okay."

Tahlia walked over to our table, Ethan looked over at me again. although he hated me i still found him extremely attractive.

"hi piper. can I sit with you? Ethan's in a boring mood today." she said
"sure take a seat." i said patting the seat next to me

"so why aren't you and Ethan talking?" she asked
"I'm not sure," I lied, "have you asked Ethan?"
"yeah, he said he didn't want to talk to you because you seemed busy. you don't seem busy. maybe he's nervous." she said

"why do you think he would be nervous?" I asked
"because your pretty." she said
"aww Tahlia thank you. not as pretty as you." I smiled
"when I get older I want to look like you!" she said

"well I wish I looked like you!" I smiled.
"Ethan's looking at you. he's a scaredy cat, you are his girlfriend I don't see why he can't sit with us." Tahlia said

"I'm not sure. maybe he'll talk to me another time." i said, he'll never talk to me again, ever.
"should I tell him to sit with us?" she asked
"no it's okay. if Ethan wants to sit there, just let him." i said

"okay. I better go back and sit with them, my mum said lunch is ready." she smiled giving me a hug
"see you later." I smiled looking down at my phone
I got a text from cathy.

cathy: piper how are you! x
piper: im okay. how about you?
cathy: im great! i wish we can catch up again!
piper: yeah that would be cool(:

cathy: so how is ethan and all your friends? xox
piper: a lot has happened unfortunately):
Cathy: I don't like the sound if that. what do you mean?
piper: me and ethan broke up :(

cathy: what NOOO what happened? xxx
piper: well, Chris kissed me
piper: please. he kissed me okay I didn't want him to.

piper: he still had feelings for me. I always knew he did
Cathy: ohh sorry. :'( so how is everything. now?

I looked up at Ethan then back down at my phone.
piper: my friends think I'm a bitch. and everyone in my
class hates me so yeah.

Cathy: why would they hate you?! :(
piper: because ARIANA told everyone and made me sound like a bitch
Cathy: omg piper I really wish I was with you. I would support you 100% I swear xx

Piper: thanks cath x but the only person supporting me is Chris :/
Piper: well he kinda is the only person that will talk to me.
Cathy: well, I'm here too, if you need to talk. x

Piper: thanks. I need to go. I'll text you later x
Cathy: see ya. x
after lunch we had to leave, Ethan and his family were still sitting there on the other table.

we all got up and started walking out, Tahlia waved goodbye. I waved back then looked at Ethan who was on his phone, then walked out.
HEY GUYS. that was the end of the chapter, I had to update today bc obviously it's Ethan's BDAY whoo. I had a really busy day today so I'm tired, see ya.
-janobrookss <3

Predictable // Ethan Karpathy 2014Where stories live. Discover now