~Part 36~

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Ethan's P.O.V


I tried to find Piper, I had lost her on the way out of class. She walked out without telling me.

Ethan: piperrr

Ethan: piperr cutie where are you

Ethan: I lost my sheep

Ethan: sheep

Ethan: where are you sheep

Ethan: piper sheep

Ethan: baaaa

Ethan: sheepy sheepy

Piper: sheepy is fine

Ethan: where is sheepy

Piper: hiding

Ethan: why :(

Piper: idk

Ethan: seriously where are you I miss you

Piper: Ariana texted me before and wanted to meet me here.

Ethan: where are you? I want to be there so if she hurts you I can protect you

Piper: Ethan, it's fine. Let it go and stay with your friends

Ethan: piper.

Piper: ethan.

Ethan: just tell me where you are or when I find you I will break up with you

Piper: what noooo

Ethan: yess , now tell me where you are sheepy.

Piper: near the library.

Piper: im only telling you so you don't break up with me.

Piper: cause ily

Pipers P.O.V

I shoved my phone in my pocket and leaned against the cold brick wall, waiting for Ariana.

I didn't know why she wanted to meet me there but I was guessing she wanted to apologise.

I could see Ethan cluelessly searching around the school for me, he finally found me and looked relieved.

"You got me worried sick sheepy!" He chuckled wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Stop calling me that," I frowned, playfully hitting him on the chest.

"Sorry! Where's Ariana?" He asked.

I shrugged, wandering my eyes around the school grounds, trying to catch site of her.

I found her, with Olivia and Natalie.

"Ethan can you leave please," Ariana said, finally meeting with us.

"How am I supposed to know if you going to beat her up? His voice sounding stern.

"We're not going to beat Piper up, we just want to talk to her," She groaned.

Ethan looked at me, I nodded then he nervously walked away. He really didn't want to leave me with them, he didn't trust Ariana at all. He kept his eyes focused on me as he walked, I gave him the most assuring look possible and then he walked off.

"So what do you need to talk about?" I asked.

"Just about what happened, with us and with you and Ethan," Ariana said.

Predictable // Ethan Karpathy 2014Where stories live. Discover now