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The planks in the floors seemed to creak louder as Alex walked towards their sister's room, not in any way prepared for what came next. Alex was non-binary and was probably wildly unprepared to come out to their over-enthusiastic sister, but it had to be done. They didn't want to live in the closet anymore. Alex was fed up with being misgendered, and his transphobic parents were in no way an option. So they just kept stepping.

Step. Step. Creak.

Alex was sure that Ally could hear them coming from a mile away with their noisy footsteps. To ensure that Mr. and Mrs. Hicks wouldn't be able to hear them from outside, Alex had chosen to come out on a Sunday, when the twins' parents were out with friends for a long brunch and a drink.

When Alex finally got out of their head and stopped imagining horrible outcomes, they had arrived in front of their sister's bedroom door.

Knock, knock.

"Ally?" They asked from outside the room, voice strained. "Can I come in?" Instead of their sister's usual high voice, a deep baritone came from inside.

"Sur-" The tone of voice quickly switched to Ally's light and airy one. "Of course, just give me a sec." A minute later, Ally opened the door, breathing heavily, and quickly left her room and slammed the door shut before Alex could see what was inside.. She ran a hand through her messy brown hair and retied her robe in a desperate attempt to look more clean.

Alex immediately reddened and covered their eyes with one hand. "Sorry, I didn't think anyone else was here. I'll let you two... continue." They hadn't taken more than three steps before their sister stopped them.

"No! Wait!" Ally sighed loudly. "We need to talk." With confusion in their eyes, Alex followed Ally as she led the way to the dinner table.

Ally let out a another loud sigh before saying, "I need to come clean." Alex gave their sister a strange look.

"About the person in your room?"

"NO! Well, in a way, yes. It's about me." Ally took a deep breath. "I am- I am a b-b-boy." Alex couldn't do anything but stare. "I know! I know. You're not going to accept me, and that's fine! Well not really... Whatever. I just need to get that off my chest. Please don't tell Mom and Dad."

Alex let out a laugh.

"It's not a phase!"

"I know," Alex giggled. "It's just that-" They let out one last chuckle before settling down. "I was just about to to tell you almost the exact same thing! I'm non binary! Wait. Name and pronouns, stat."

"Eric, he/him/his. You?"

Alex shrugged. "Just Alex, but my pronouns are they/them/theirs. But back to the person you're have sex with in your room... It was that jock, Ricky Mayburn, wasn't it? Never guessed he'd be gay."

"There's no one in my room!" Eric squealed angrily. "Also why'd you guess him? He hates my guts."

"Then who- Why-"

"I was practicing making my voice pass," Eric explained. "And by that response, I guess I did well! I was also trying on stuff to hide these." He gestured vaguely down towards his chest.

"What kind of stuff?" Alex asked, suspicious. 

"Like sports bras, medical tape, bandages-"

Alex's eyes widened as they exclaimed, "BANDAGES?! Those can seriously hurt your ribs and lungs Ally- sorry Eric- and can cause serious damage to how your body works!" They looked frantic as they tried their hardest to get their point across. "If you ever get top surgery, that can increase the risk of it going horribly wrong by a lot! Where are they? I'm burning them."

"The bandages are the only ones that work properly though!" Eric protested.

"That's no excuse to disregard health and safety!" Alex sighed and ran their hands through their thick, dark hair. "I have to take them away. I'll order you a binder, a packer, anything! But I won't let you hurt yourself."

Reluctantly, Eric slid a long strip of ace bandages across the kitchen table. "But that binder better arrive soon," he muttered. Alex sighed in relief and gave their brother a tight hug.

"In the meantime, you can just steal my chest. I don't need it!" Alex joked. Eric smiled at his sibling.

"I wish! I could be you, complete with a deep voice  and he/him pronouns."

"And I could take your body," Alex agreed. "I would probably feel better in it, with she/her instead of he/him. They/them is better but whatever!" That's when it struck Eric. The two had practically identical faces and builds. They would both feel better as the gender the other was assigned at birth. They were polar opposites who were directly identical.

"Alex, we CAN switch!" he exclaimed.


"We can switch lives! I'll be you, you be me!"

Alex shifted uncomfortably in their seat. "Would that even work?" they asked.

"It could! I could get a binder and sweats, we get you bra padding and loose jeans!"

"You're insane, we could never pull something like that off! It's not just being each other in class, we would have to impersonate each other without our friends finding out! And what about your sports?!"

"Fuck," Eric swore. "The basketball team." 

"Exactly! And it's not like the three year reigning captain of the team can just quit without a reason!" 

Eric sighed exasperatedly. "Just once. I'm only asking for a month. Please Alex," Eric pleaded. "Do this for me."

"Only a month."

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