Hello my bangtan hoes, did I go a bit too extra with this? Um yeah! Is there a lot of confessing here tho? Probably not, but here I am. So just to tell you guys, I could of been a bangtan fan a little bit after they debuted but my hating, uncultured, racist ass old self said no. Therefore I missed the opportunity of growing with bangtan :( But what truly matters is that I have them now and that I definitely grew as a person within a year and learned to not be like them haters. So with this small sesion i'll be confessing all my first thoughts about bangtan, shall we begin??
1. I hated Korea in general (due to political reasons)
2. My guy friends hated K-pop and me being a confused queer hated them too because boys hate k-pop and especially hate BTS
3. I gave Bangtan with the usual hate comments as most people like " They Chinese " " Ching Chong bing ling" " They look the same" And etc.. . ..
4. My first actual discovery of Bangtan was December 2018 through the YouTube rewind. And commented " Why would they ruin such a good video by adding K-pop", "And is that BTS? "
I got curious of how the song actually went because I've seen the video through racist memes that the boys would send. And so I watched IDOL and was like :0
5. I legit could not tell them apart
6. RM was the only different one
7. I thought RM was ugly and he looked high in the beginning of IDOL
8. It took me about a week to learn their stage names and a bit longer to tell them apart
9. Through the process I gave them personal nicknames.
10. RM the ugly one, he's pretty noticeable compared to the other members.
11. J-hope, the way I remembered him was by seeing him as extremely ugly and bleh. I gave him the nickname "No-hope" as in no hope to fix his face...... :(
12. Suga, I was kinda able to tell him apart because I thought he looked really Asian. Like his eyes were smaller compared to the others in the group.
13. Jimin, I gave him the nickname "pretty boy" because there was no way that a boy can be that pretty, and his lips are "wow" so plump! Is he even a guy at all? Guys don't look like girls!!!!
14. Jin, in my opinion I thought he has the thickest eyebrows and his lips smacked like dude not even "pretty boy's" , his lips are at least even.
15. V, it was really hard to tell him part but he was hot from far I wouldn't know who he was but up close I could sorta tell him apart.
16. Jungkook, I would always forget to count the dude. So everytime I would learn their names the one that's always at the end and the least noticeable one would be Jungkook. I would like legit forget him.
17. My first bias was Jimin ( it's pretty obvious) idk why but I thought his prettiness is what charmed me.
18. I found them cringy and stupid during interview complications I would watch as a starter.
19. I found it abnormal for a man like Jimin to have such a high pitched singing voice ( like a woman) men are supposed to have deep voices.
20. I've never seen a bon voyage episode.
21. I have never heard "expensive girl" until yesterday and lemme tell you, I was like " :0 " .
22. I haven't heard all of Bangtan's song's they need to grow on me or catch my attention because based on the title
23. There are some songs that I hated but they kinda grew on me. Like Dionysus and Dimple, Love Maze, 134340 and etc.. . ..
24. I thought their rap was wack but who was I to talk. I listened to Lil Pump and 6ix9ine for God sake and I thought they were great.
25. I thought Debut Namjoon was cancer and should of just ended his career on the spot.
26. They are cringy try hards
27. I also curious if they had plastic surgery because I saw pre-debut pics and current one and there's no way puberty would of done that.
28. I thought it was impossible for an individual to learn English through a TV show. Namjoon was probably lieing. I've watched a lot of anime and episodes in French and learned jack shit.
29. I don't know what BTS's lyrics are about. I've only seen the translations to IDOL, DNA, Spring Day and Mikrokosmos.
30. I don't even recall learning their real names. I think I tired using hashtags on my first BTS post and forced myself to post them in Korean.
31. I wondered if Vlive was created by BTS's V.
32. All I wanted to do was learn their names and who they were. I never imagined that I'd become a fan of them nor buy their merch.
In conclusion there is a lot left for me to learn about them I learned a lot already but there's more to go and many other songs for me to discover. And I'm pretty sure there's more confessions for me to make because I know for a fact that I did not get them all.