new look

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Steven sat spinel down in the bathroom and told her to close her eyes and shift her gem again.

Spinel did just that, using her stretching powers to turn her gem instead of shape shifting so she could hold that form for longer.

She closed her eyes as Steven went to work. Spinel could feel him dabbing different substances onto her face especially around her cheeks.

"I'm also going to add some blush if that's alright?" Steven piped up.

"Sure I guess, you're the one who knows what you're doing." Spinel replied.

After Steven finished with spinel's makeup, she felt him start on her hair.
Neatly brushing it and tying it up in two buns.

"I'm going to have to get you to open your eyes, but don't look in the mirror yet!" Steven explained.

Confused, spinel opened her eyes to see a small brush looking thing really close to her eye.

"GaH! Are you TRYING to poke my eye out?!" Spinel exclaimed, leaning back violently.

"No, no, spinel, I'm just going to put some mascara on you." Steven explained.

After some wrestling and yelling on spinel's part Steven had finally gotten her to hold still for long enough to put the mascara on her.

"Okay, you can look now." Steven said a she stepped out of the way of the mirror.

" Steven said a she stepped out of the way of the mirror

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She was shocked.
She looked amazing. She looked happy. She looked like who she wanted to be.

"Oh my stars! Steven! I look awesome!" Spinel yelled happily, jumping up and down.

"Woah, careful of the hair there spinel!" Steven said, worrying about his hard work on spinel's hair.

"Oh right sorry." Spinel chuckled sheepishly.

After that spinel raced off to the warp pad, ready for her first day of little homeschool.

"Hurry up Steven, we'll be late!"

"We won't be late, don't worry. I'm just grabbing something." Steven yelled back from his room.

He had decided that he was going to get (y/n) some spare clothes because he's pretty sure she won't have any in her situation, whatever that situation may be. He had a stash of random womens clothes for any gems that might want to try human clothing.

He picked out the ones he thought would fit her and a few in one size larger just in case, always safer with clothes that are too big rather that too small.

"Steven! What's taking so long!"

Steven sighed, he didn't want to keep spinel waiting, she'd done enough of that over the past 6000 years.

"Coming!" He yelled back as he hurried down the stairs.

Time skip

"Here we are, little homeschool!" Steven exclaimed.

"Whoa!" Spinel gasped as she watched all sorts of gems walk around the courtyard, on their way to different classes.

Steven dropped spinel off at amethyst's class, spinel getting a few comments about her new look along the way.

After that Steven made his way over to Jasper's house, now (y/n)'s house.

He knocked on the door and it flung open instantly.

"Oh hey."

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