A Bad Night

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You sat there in silence for a few minutes. Your hands tingled with the memory of her cheeks.

God, she is so cute. Your face flushed and in the silence you could hear your heartbeat in your ears.

No, you can't let yourself feel this way. You're only getting a crush on her because you're desperate for attention. She might not even like you as more than a friend. Are you even friends?

You stood up and wandered to your bed.

As you laid down you remembered that you forgot to go out to get some better furniture. But then again all you really need is a better mattress, this one is as hard as rock. Really makes you wonder who this house was built for...

Tomorrow is another big day of teaching. What are you going to teach anyway? You've already explained all the important stuff that the gem students need to know. Maybe you could talk about jewelry? Or maybe you could just let them ask questions? I guess you'll cross that bridge when you get to it.

Spinel's pov

After another night of awkwardly laying on Steven's couch, said gem hybrid finally came down the stairs.

"Hey spinel. Do you want me to do your makeup again today?" He asked as he did his morning routine.

"Actually, I think you were right. My past has shaped who I am. I don't want to look like I used to because that's not who I am anymore." I sighed, sitting up.

"Well said. How'd you get wise?" Steven asked.

"Well, (y/n) got the wrong idea. She thought I was a happy person by the way I was trying to present myself and it made her jealous I think. We talked it out. And I think we're friends now. She's so nice and knows what I've been through. And she just, cares, y'know?" I gushed.
"I don't know what it is about her though. She feels different from pink."

I looked back up at Steven to see he was deep in thought.
"Hhmmm, if my hunch is right then I think I just might have to start that roomate program I was thinking about..." He said with a smirk.
"How about we pay (y/n) a visit before school? Yeah?"

"Yeah!" I replied, excited to see her again.

Your pov

(Warning! Detailed depictions of abuse up ahead.)

It was dark. So very dark. All you could see was the light leaking in from under the door. You heard shuffling outside and grabbed your teddy from your bed. The room suddenly got lighter as your door swung open. You turned around to see it was the front door and you were now in the living room. Your mom was swaying in the doorway and gave you a glare.
"Why aren't you in your room?"
She snarled. Dropping her heavy handbag on your bare feet.
"Hurry up and clean the house up or your dad will beat you when he gets home." She grumbled going to the kitchen and opening a new bottle of wine.
You looked around the living room, everything was pristine and untouched since you cleaned it yesterday, albeit the tv still had cracks running through the screen. So instead you sat at the door. Waiting.
Your mom walked past you on her way to the couch.
You sniffled. "Mom. I forgot. I forgot what he looks like. Can you remind me what he looks like?" You cried. Turning to face your mom.

"You'll know soon, he's coming home tonight." She growled.

"B-but, that's what you said last night." You whimpered.

It was silent for a moment before her voice boomed so loudly.
"IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE A LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT ABOUT IT THEN YOU CAN GO LOOK FOR HIM!" She screeched as she towered over you. She grabbed you by the collar of your pajamas and heaved you out the door.

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