Season 3 episode 1-seed

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We ran from house to house just looking for anything at this point. Winter really took a toll on us but luckily the walkers were slowed down by the snow so we didn't have to worry so much about them.

We had no food, no water. So when we came to this house we had no hopes but we still tried our best. Carl and I went in together a long with my dad, and Rick. Carl got the lucky shot and took down a walker, since I still wasn't good with a gun.

After Rick deemed it was safe for everyone. Glen led the way inside and we all just sat in the living room while Carl ran off to the kitchen. My dad shot an owl and shared it with me and the group.

Carl came running back inside the living area with a can of dog food and opened it. I watched Rick walk up to him, take the van out of his hands and threw it into the fire place. We all kinda looked down and realized what we had started to become. Sad, starving people who would eat a can of dog food.

Our sulking was cut short when Tj signaled it was time to leave after he saw a bunch of walker headed out way.

We all fled to the back door and proceeded to the cars. I grabbed an axe while leaving and got in the car with glen and Maggie.

"You okay Claire?" Maggie looked back at me.

"I think so."

Glen followed the cars and we were driving for a while until Rick signaled to stop. I got out of the car and walked over to my dad where they were looking at a map and they started to talk about this herd that was getting closer to us.

I quickly got bored and walked over to Lori and Carl.

They weren't talking so I asked Lori, "Do you have a name for the baby yet?"

"No sweetie, I don't yet. I just haven't had much time to think about it." I pondered at that and replied. "Okay, if you have a boy I think his name should be..." I got lost trying to come up with a name.

"That's okay, we can think of names when there born. How does that sound? Plus we would know the gender too." She said.

"Mmmm okay" I started to think again, "Oh I got it! If it's a girl you should name her Judith!" I quietly shouted.

"Oh that was my mother's name." She smiled at me and rubbed her belly. "If your a girl, your gonna be Judith." To say I didn't have a huge smile on my face you'd be wrong.

I looked up to go tell my dad the news when I saw that both him and Rick were gone.

I went over to glen and asked him where my dad went to.

"Him and Rick went hunting for a bit."

"Oh okay thank you." He have a nuggy which caused me to frown a bit.

"Hey, hey, hey, watch the hair. It takes to long to make it look this good." I gave a sassy look.

Those who heard it laughed at my remark.

"Claire if you got time to make your hair look good then do mine next." Beth laughed. We all laugh at that but it was cut short when Rick and my dad came back.

"There's a prison. It's not to far from here. If we can get inside to fence and take out the walkers, we will have a place to stay for now." Rick stated.

We all returned to our cars and we followed Rick to the prison. Once we got there Glen got out the bolt cutters and we cut our way into the fence quickly closing it up with wire once we were all inside.

Following Rick again to the next gate. Rick decided who goes where while he would run to close the next gate. I followed Beth and started to bang on the fence to distract them from Rick.

I managed to get a couple but then they started to walk away and towards Rick. Luckily we have the good shots up in the towers.

Carol was shooting at the walkers but missed one of her shots and almost got Rick.

"Sorry" she yelled out. He continued to run until he got to the gate and closed it.

"Light it up!" He yelled back to us. And so we did.

Lori was the first to run out into the field quickly behind her was Carol, "We haven't seen this much space since the farm"  she cried out in joy.

~time skip~

I watched my dad take watch on the bus near the gate and Rick to the fence while he paced back and forth.

"If we got some seeds we can start a farm." Hershel said

"If we can dig a tunnel from the river and under the fence we can get water easier." Tj threw in as well.

I grabbed the piece of meat that everyone was passing around and quickly started eating. That's a word I thought I'd never say again. I mentally laughed at that.

"You know Lori, this would also be a good place to have the baby. It's safe." She nodded at Hershel and went back to eating her food.

"Hey Carol could you bring this to my dad?" I handed her a small plate of meat.

"Sure dear." She smiled and walked off towards him. I watched her climb up on the bus and they started talking. I saw my dad give her a back massage for a sec or two before they disappeared behind the bus.

Shaking my head I turned back to the group when Hershel asked Beth to sing a song for them. At first she said no but then she started singing parting glass.

Maggie joined in soon after and then Rick, my dad and Carol all joined us. It felt good to relax for a bit. We all just sat there listening to the song before Rick dropped the bomb on us again.

"Look I know were all exhausted but I need you all to just push it one more time to get us inside to prison tomorrow....." I zoned out and eventually me and Carl started to talk.

"What would you be doing if this never happened.?" I asked him

"I think I'd be in school but I don't know what day it is anymore. What would you be doing?"

"I think the same to be honest." I laughed a little. "What about you Beth, what would you be doing if this never happened.?" I asked

"Hmm, I think I'd be helpin daddy with the farm." She gave a sad smile.

We called it a night after that so that we can get some sleep before the big day tomorrow.

1162 words

Hi guys! I am so incredibly sorry that I haven't updated I was trying to wait till Christmas and give you guys a couple of chapters but I could make you guys wait any longer. I hope you like the beginning of season 3 and don't worry I took notes on the episode...4 back to back pages worth just on episode 1. So I definitely will have another chapter soon!! Love you all -lil9601

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