Seed part 2

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That was all Michonne knew after her family was taken from her. Along side her was her boyfriend and brother. Not alive but for camouflage against the walkers.

Gunshots was all it took for Michonne to catch her curiosity, and as the saying goes, she followed the sound until she came across a woman. She looked as if she could pass out any second. She watched as the woman would half jog, look behind, kill what was in front of her and try to continue but she would sway with each kill.

She waited until the woman got close enough to help. Taking her katana, she started to slice the heads of the walkers that dared to bite her. She would get closer and closer killing the walkers to get to the woman.

"Thank you" she yelled out as she got her grounding back. Michonne nodded and motioned so she would follow her.

After a lot of running they finally slowed down and started to talk.

"Who are you?" The woman asked, "why did you help me?"

"Michonne and I heard gunfire. Wanted to see what was going on." She replied, "who are you? And what where you running from?"

She seemed to be taken back by the last question, she thought it seemed obvious. She was simply running from the walkers, just simply the ones that over ran the farm.

"Well I'm Andrea, I was with a group and we were staying at a farm house after one of ours where shot by accident.."

"By accident? How is that possible?" Michonne asked.

"Ottis, he was one of the people who lived in the farm. He was hunting, he shot this deer and Carl. He's the leaders son, rick. Well he was right behind and the bullet went through the deer and got him in the chest."

Wow, that was a lot all at once the hear she thought. But she continued to ask. "So what happened to the farm, is that why you where running?"

"Uh yeah, there was a herd that was walking past us when a gunshot went off. We didn't know where or why it happened but then we heard them. There where so many the sounds where deafening." She used her hands to enfensise

"Carol and I got trapped between a small group of walkers and the cars, I managed to get Carol enough space to run but I got pushed back to much so I ran the other way before you found me."  She sighed.

~time skip

Michonne and Andrea got closer as the months went by, they went from house to house. Andrea wasn't sure if she was looking for her friends or not and the thought of them still upset her. She would often wonder if they thought she was still alive or did they just play it off as she was dead.

The winter that year was extremely cold, they didn't find the proper clothing or building to stay in and Andrea got sick towards the end.

One day Andreas fever peaked and so Michonne took this opportunity to leave in search of supplies. She came across a little store looked around before heading inside.

The sound of movement and the noise of the dead gave up their position and then they died. For real this time.

After the room was cleared she grabbed a few things and before she left she noticed a few packets of aspirin on the ground and picked them up.


When Michonne came back the there set up. She feared that Andrea had turned since she had moved from her spot.

She held her katana and scanned the rooms before finding her friend slouched over in the meat locker.

"Andrea?" She stirred around and looked at her.

"I'm sorry I just needed air."

"It's okay, here drink" she handed her the water and the aspirin. "Take this it'll help the fever come down. And we need to go. There getting closer."

"No I'm just slowing you down you should go and leave me behind."

"I'm not leaving you for one and two, drink." She handed the water over again and this time she agreed.

Michonne helped  Andrea to her feet and they walked out the back, the camouflage in tow.


I watched as Rick, my dad, glen, Maggie, and Tj open the gates and walk inside killing walkers as they get close to them.

We stayed by the fence by Lori Carl Carol Beth and Hershel. At first it was easy to see them but they turned a corner and we didn't see them.

"I can't see them anymore. Can you?" Lori asked Carol. She shook her head no.

I was getting a little antsy when they didn't come back around the corner but I finally saw my dad peak around and soon the rest followed.

My hopes were crushed when Rick said they had to push inside. I saw dad look over to me and signaled that it would be okay. I knew they would be fine but I didn't want them to over do it and mess up somewhere.

It was taking them a really long time to get back to us and it started to worry me.

"What, what if they don't come back, or something goes wrong." I kept staring at the door I watched them disappear into.

"That's the part that sucks huh, not knowing if they would come back alive or not. But they know what there doing in there if not they wouldn't have gone in yet." Beth said kindly, "they'll be back, I know it" I gave Beth a hug as a thank you.

"Hey look there back!"

I watched rick smile as he came towards us and opened the gate.

"I think we're going to do just fine in here."

976 words

Uh hi guys. I definitely didn't expect for this story to blow up what's so ever and I know I suck at updating but here's a part and there will be another by Monday! I hope you enjoy and I love you all!


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