Ending 3

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Alvin placed the cart in position, all the time feeling uneasy. He had a nagging feeling that something wasn't right.

Why was the cart so heavy? Why wasn't Vera at her machine? Why does Jean hate me so much?

He knew the answer to the last one because Jean and Vera used to be much closer friends until she married Alvin. It also didn't help Jean was a vindictive, hateful gossip. She couldn't stand to see anyone happy and tried to make everyone else as miserable as her.

He locked the cart's wheels and pressed the 'unload' button.

He eyed the cart suspiciously as it dumped its cargo into the maw of the metal beast.

When a shoe appeared Alvin was instantly in motion.

He slammed his fist down on the emergency stop button and dove on top of the cart.

In an instant, everything had clicked into place.

The heavy cart.

The missing Vera.

The shoe.

It all flashed into a single moment of clarity.

Vera's in there!

Alvin shoved books out of the cart as fast as he could, finally finding what he knew he would.

"Vera, honey?" he said, tapping her face.

Her eyes didn't open.

"Vera, baby, come on, don't do this," he said, tapping her cheeks a little harder.

She still didn't come around.

Alvin was so focused on Vera that he didn't notice the books continuing to slide toward the edge. They were riding the avalanche of books to their doom. He tried to pin her in the cart, but she slid out from under him and fell towards the grinder.

The shutdown cycle took two minutes and the shredding wheels kept churning even as they slowed.

Alvin launched himself after her and managed to grab her hand. She dangled precariously, inches from the still moving shred wheels.

If I can hold her here long enough for the shutdown...

But his hand was slick with sweat and she slipped out of his grip.

"NOOOO!" Alvin yelled as he watched his wife fall to certain doom.

In desperation, he dove in after her.

The fall was only nine feet, but Alvin hit like a ton of bricks. It knocked the wind out of him and he struggled to regain himself.

The books on top of the shred wheels formed a protective layer between Alvin and certain death. But they were still moving and the protective layer was disappearing. He crawled over to Vera's prone body, stood atop the books, and hoisted her onto his shoulders.

JAs he pulled her out, the blades began to break through. Alvin trudged over into a corner where the layer of books seemed deeper.

He stood there, holding Vera across his shoulder, watching the blades inch ever closer to his feet. Finally, there was nothing left to stand on. He alternated feet, standing on one then the other. It would've made a comical little dance if the consequences weren't so dire.

The blades had nearly stopped when Alvin stepped on one and it caught his foot, digging deep into his boot.

"AHHH!" he screamed in pain.

It was enough to wake Vera.

"What? What going on?" she said groggily.

It was then that she looked at her surroundings and started to scream.

She tried to free herself from whatever was holding her down in this awful place.

"Dammit, woman, stop squirmin' around," Alvin growled.

"Alvin?" Vera said looking down.

"Who'd ya think it was?"

"What's happening?"

"Don't have time to tell ya. Just reach up and see if ya can grab the rail above ya."

Vera looked up.

"It's pretty high."

"Then stand on my shoulders."

"I'm afraid I'll fall."

"Dammit, Vera, this contraption may be shut down but these blades are still sharp and one's cuttin' into by boot. Ya gotta try to get up there so ya can pull me out too."

"Ok, I'll try."

"Good girl."

Slowly and carefully, Vera climbed on top of Alvin's shoulders and reached the rail.

"I've got it. Now what?"

"Climb out!"

"Don't yell at me!"

"Then don't ask such stupid questions."

It took every ounce of strength Vera had, plus Alvin pushing up on her feet for her to get out of the pit.

"Great," Alvin said. "Now how about ya go get me some help before I bleed to death?"

"Why can't I help you?"

"Because I weigh twice what you do, now go get somebody to get me outta here."

Vera harrumphed, but did as she was told. In five minutes she had rounded up three men from maintenance and they had pulled Alvin out. The paramedics whisked them both to the hospital.

Vera had some bumps and bruises and Alvin had a severely lacerated foot, but was expected to recover in a few weeks.

Within days, Vera was back on the job.

"So, I see your 'Hero' is still milking his so-called injury for as long as possible," Jean said, stacking her books.

"Shut up, Jean!" Vera fired back. "Alvin is a hero. He saved my life. And not only that, but he also told me who it was who ordered him to take the trash cart I fell into the shredder. I wonder if the authorities would like to have a little word with you about attempted homicide?"

"But, I... there's no proof... You wouldn't..." Jean stammered.

"Wait and see," Vera said. "And while you're waiting, don't speak to me again unless you have something positive to say."

Vera went back to her side of the machine. The two women never spoke again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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