Tea time 🍵

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"Hello, people of the world. Or as Chan hyung would say, his baby girls and baby boys wink wink. Anyway, international tea spiller here for another vlive. If you don't know, I'm Stray Kids' Bryan." Bryan said as soon as the view count reached 1,000

'Ya'lls the tea spiller's back at it again!'

'Tea's about to get spilled, be ready'

"Aight, lets get started. Tell me some topics, I'll be spilling." Bryan read some of the comments, most was just about Jihyo and Daniel. It was quite old now, and its no surprise he was happy for his noona.

He was looking through some more of the comments, until one caught his attention.

'Please give your insights about sasaeng fans. Not just a specific one, just in general.'

"This isn't exactly tea, but let me just say this. Its completely fine to like idols, but there is a certain line you can't cross, and shouldn't try crossing it. But some people choose to cross that line, and the moment they cross that line is that they are officially called sasaengs." Bryan had experienced being attacked by sasaeng fans once, twice, maybe even 6 times, and yes. There was a group of them. but it wasn't as severe as other idols. They just pushed him around, no major injuries.

"Heres the rules to not cross that line: Don't stalk your idols. Stalking means that you follow your idols to somewhere like a hotel room, or their own house. It is not stalking if almost every single fan knows where their idols are, because the info was given out by someone in connection with the idol, someone who the idol has given consent to say their current location and whereabouts." That was a bit hard to explain, but you know what he's saying. I think.

"Next one is don't get video or audio recordings of them in their own home, without their consent. Their home is where they should be feeling comfortable, or at ease that no one is watching them. Don't film them in the shower, thats just borderline crazy. Or just don't film them in their house at all" Bryan hated those kinds of sasaengs, because they were literally invading their privacy, trespassing onto private property, in which both might get them a restraining order.

"Another is to not send them threats that if they don't be with you, you're gonna kill their whole family. Just because you really love that idol it doesn't mean that you have to drag their family into your obsession, or just don't drag anyone into your craziness." These shit were the worst, imagine being so obsessed with someone that you even threaten their family, or loved ones. Thats just cruel

"Don't send them any personal belongings, like underwear, tampons, maxi pads, or any notes written with your blood. Taecyeon hyung told me about his experience when I was 15, with the blood, and it was already unpleasant hearing it. I never even imagined people would be that level of sick." Lets just say that teen Bryan was traumatized.

"And lastly, never. Ever. Assault your idols, in short don't hurt your idols just because you were being obsessive over them and wanted to touch them. Think about your actions, that would probably get you a restraining order. Even doing one of these might get you a free lawsuit" Bryan laughed, but it was true.

"Its true, now with all that don't get your butt a good sue" He giggled, making the fans explode and run out of uWus.

'uWu bank? Hello? Yes. This man Bryan Kang stole all my uWu's. Sue him please'

'uwus? busted. cuteness? too much. i am? not. i am? groot. hotel? trivago'

"You guys make a big deal just because of me giggling. Why is my fandom like this" Bryan jokingly said

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