Chapter 1 - Sink Hole

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The crisp snow crunched under Bri's feet as she walked down the distorted path that she used to call her street. She wandered the torn street desperately rummaging through piles of snow for remnants of her family, but it had been two years, she knew there wouldn't be anything, but she checked anyway.

She didn't find anything at all. Bri knew that scavengers probably took everything, and that there was no use in searching anymore, but she still felt attached, like there was something still there. It seemed as though an aura was drawing her back every time. So everyday at five in the afternoon, Bri went back to the wreckage of her home and searched for anything at all that would make her think of the good days. The good days when your only worries were homework and bullies, instead of murderers and crazed scavengers. Back to when, you got to eat home cooked meals instead of rabbit meat and possibly poisoness berries.

Finding nothing, Bri stumbled down the street, knowing her old life was completely destroyed. She looked at other peoples' broken down houses and realized, everyone else's lives were destroyed too. Their family's were also ripped apart and destroyed, just the same or even worse than her. She wasn't alone in her sorrows, people still had it worse than hers.

She kept walking anyway, feeling terrible about herself. The pavement was cracking and breaking off under her feet. A hole started to form below her feet, she didn't pay much attention to it and kept walking not realizing her serious danger. Suddenly the ground shook, throwing Bri towards the ground. Bri cracked her head on the pavement as she fell. She tried to pull her self to her feet, but she was stuck. A large piece of the pavement had fallen onto her leg, when she blacked out from hitting her head. She was lodged with a piece of pavement, that was saving her from falling into a large and growing sink hole.

She looked over towards her house, and saw it slowly falling into the sink hole, splashing into a large spring below. All her memories, if any, we're getting even more destroyed than they were before. The piece of concrete holding her up was falling and she didn't have much time left to react, so she tried to grip on to the sidewalk, as the piece of concrete disintegrated as it slammed into the spring below her. Bri was holding on for dear life, and was slipping. She was holding on to the concrete as hard as she could, but the concrete she was holding, eventually gave way and sent her plummeting into the spring below.

Bri landed on her back, as she plummeted into the spring. The water seemed to freeze like concrete when she hit it, knocking the wind out of her on impact. The water was frigid cold, and would give her frost bite in a matter of minutes, if she stayed in it for too long. So Bri pulled herself out onto a stone ledge, surrounding half of the spring. She sat on the ledge in fetal position, crying and hoping that she wouldn't get crushed by a piece of concrete. Even though, she knew it wouldn't matter. She knew she wouldn't last a whole winter night down in a sinkhole with no food or water.

Then Bri started to smile. She thought of her parents and sister, and how she'd be able to finally be with them. She'd finally be able to talk to her sister and parents again. Bri actually wanted to die, so she could finally be happy. Bri stayed down in the sinkhole for two days until someone finally found her.

"Woah! Sarah come check it out! It's a sink hole!" A male voice echoed.

"Babe, be careful!" A woman voice said back.

"There's someone down there!" The male voice said peering over the edge. A female face the followed and peered her head over. The male face was chiseled but soft. He had sharp green eyes, and jet black hair. Sarah, the female face, had dark blue eyes, and bleach blonde hair that hung down the side of the hole.

"Do you need help?" Sarah shouted down the sink hole. Bri nodded unwillingly, and awkwardly smiled up at them.

"How long have you been down there?" The man shouted at Bri.

"About ten minutes." Bri said, almost snickering at her pity.

"Get the rope!" The man shouted at Sarah.

"But, Derek w-----"

"GET THE ROPE!" Derek screamed at her. Sarah scurried away, terrified, bringing back a large rope. Derek swung the rope down, and surprisingly it was long enough. Derek motioned for Bri to grab on, but she froze. [What if I can't trust these people?"] Bri thought. [What if they're just using me and waiting for the perfect moment to shank me in the back?] But then realized, if anything they should be afraid of her by the way she looked. Bri had been paler then the snow, as her skin was almost purple.

"Can I trust you?" Bri blurted out, fearing her life.

"Of course!" Both of them said, and nodded. With no other option Bri grabbed hold of the rope, and the two of them hoisted her up with ease.

"You're light!" Derek said, slapping Bri on the shoulder. "Welcome to the group!" Bri rubbed her shoulder with her numb hand, trying to soothe the pain. Bri hadn't realized that Derek had been so strong.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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