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Another dark fiend jumped out of the rippling chasm faced by the group of adventurers who had been battling monsters for hours already.

"Felicity! How much longer until you can seal the chasm?" shouted Yual their leader, a short black swordsman in orange armor with dreads and eyes that matched his armor.

A tall and lean woman with frizzy red hair and pale pink robes barely paused her incantations to reply, "Five minutes!"

Some of the party members were already passed out in exhaustion, but Yual and three others were still fighting. Werst, a burly gargoyle with a shield and their main tank was still protecting his comrades despite his skin cracking and falling apart in some areas. Murraya,  another mage was still fighting and supporting his other members, while healing only mortal wounds at this point in the fight. Last but not least, the strongest member of their adventure party, Pixlane, their magic swordswoman was in the best shape of all of them and was taking down monsters continuously. Felicity finally finished the spell she casted, along with the help of Murraya and Pixlane, to seal the chasm that had opened to the underworld two months before.

As the last monster was killed, they finally got to rest for the first time that day against the horde of monsters they had faced. They had been commissioned to get rid of the increasing number of monsters that were appearing in the South forest. It was close to a port city that their country, Wodire, depends on the imports and exports from for their economy. Their party, the Silver Eagles, were the number one rated adventurer party and so were hired for the subjugation of the monsters. But when they were faced with the horde, they weren't prepared to leave it as is but they also weren't prepared to handle it. So they had been in a deadlock and endless cycle of fighting until they found the right spell to seal the chasm.

Yual stood up and took count of the state of their party, "We need to get to shelter soon, the sun is almost setting."

"I'll summon Bateswood and he can carry everyone if we have or make a big enough sling for everyone," Pixlane suggested.

She was sweating and looked like she had had a good workout, but she otherwise had more energy than the rest of her members. She looked awake and alert, amber eyes sharp as a knife with the pointed features she'd inherited from her pixie heritage. The only soft thing about her was her fluffy short curls that were a creamy pearl colour.

"I think I might have something in my bag that can do the trick," Murraya said.

His brown locks covered his face as he ducked down to look inside his magical infinite bag. Felicity and Werst went to wake everyone up and to organize them for the trip to the nearest village with a wall. They had dealt with the source of the problem, but they still had to deal with the rest of the monsters in the forest. Pixlane started to draw out her summoning circle for her contracted familiar Bateswood, a Great Griffin from the mountains to the North of the country. Yual stayed on guard incase any other monsters showed up while the others were occupied.

"Found it! It's a raw piece of drake hide so it's strong enough for Bates' claws and should hold all of us," Murraya announced.

"Usually, I would ask why you have that thing, but right now I'm thankful you do," Yual said.

"Don't they smell though since they only live in the swamps by the East?" Werst asked.

Murraya shrugged, "Do we have anything better?"

"It's fine Mur, tell everyone to sit in the center of the hide," Pixlane commanded as she finished her circle. She murmured a few words along with a bit of magic and after a fleeting gust of wind, Bateswood was in the large clearing. He had golden brown feathers with black fur so he looked like a combination of the day and night. He was the size of a two story building but his massive wings were three ship lengths across and heavily muscled as was the rest of him.

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